Empire State of Mind

Triumph Over Challenges: Mama T's Inspiring Journey to Weight Loss and Personal Transformation

Matt Williams

Have you ever come across a story so inspiring it makes you reassess your own life? Mama T’s journey does exactly that and more. This remarkable woman transformed her life, losing 100 pounds in a year, and retiring her blood pressure medications. A wake-up call from her teenage daughter sparked a journey of not just physical, but personal transformation, which resulted in an incredible weight loss and a successful career journey. 

Mama T's story isn't just about shedding pounds, it’s about shedding self-doubt and excuses. Her journey took her from a self-defeating mindset to a powerful, positive one that spurred her onwards. We share her compelling narrative about gaining traction in her life without an agent, her self-motivated weight loss and personal development, and her purposeful planning for personal growth. Mama T's transformation was driven by her children's support, her entrepreneurial spirit, and her belief system. Her journey to better health and career success is truly motivational.

In our conversation, we focus not only on Mama T's weight loss journey but also on the critical role her mindset played in her transformation. We talk about breaking the cycle of negative behavior, the impact of small changes in our lives, and the importance of being role models for our children. Mama T's journey highlights the power of faith, the importance of a positive attitude, and the strength of perseverance. Tune in to learn about purposeful planning evaluation (PPE) for self-development and how to turn your life around. Be prepared to be inspired by this powerful narrative of triumph over challenges.

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- IG: @the.matthew.williams

Speaker 1:

Today, on The Empire State of Mind, we have a transformational story that is should be motivational as well Losing 100 pounds in 12 months. today we have Mama T.

Speaker 2:

We believe the purpose of owning a business is funding your perfect life. Welcome to the next generation of growth and opportunity in the inspection industry. This is The Empire State of Mind Helping build companies with faster growth, higher profits and more time freedom. Finally, a podcast for the home inspection industry and beyond. This is The Empire State of Mind and this is your host, Matt Williams.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the show. I am so glad you're tuning in today. I am so blessed to have a guest on the show that has an inspirational story that has transformed her life, the lives around her. I can't wait for you to meet Mama T. Mama T, how are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

I am wonderful. How are you?

Speaker 1:

I am doing fantastic.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

I'm so glad that you're here today. I heard your story a couple days ago and everybody's been talking about it here at the IEB Unite conference and I thought, man, we have got to share your story with the rest of the world. So today I wanted to talk about this. You have been on a journey, and it started about 12 months ago.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Tell me your story. What's been?

Speaker 3:

going on. It started and I actually have the correct date, like the day that I had the switch to happen, just going through a hard season in my life concerning my health. I had had 11 mini strokes and was on seven to about to be on eight blood pressure medicines. It was 250, maybe 255 around in there and I'm only 410. So it was like a little kettle walking.

Speaker 3:

I feel like my body was saying you're a ticking time bomb and I have children that they're not school age, they're older and we had IEB in Dallas in May of 2022. So then, right about in those few days, it just clicked as far as the things that I heard and the journey and my belief system, as far as my belief system serves me well, and I read that I'm to be prosperous and in good health. And prosperous is not just money. It's not just money.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not.

Speaker 3:

So I wanted to live, and I chose to live, and I fought to live, and it's not been easy.

Speaker 1:

So you were on seven, almost eight blood pressure medications.

Speaker 3:

They were about to put me on the eighth.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I'm just like how many are on now? None, Oh, come on.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely none, no pain, nothing. It's like it's amazing how it's been a blessing to be in an environment such as excuse me when we have the IEB conferences and that energy is in the room And it's like you can almost see it moving around. You know and it was only whenever I saw Harmony- Harmony.

Speaker 1:

Harmony Brown. Yes.

Speaker 3:

I was trying to think of her name and you know, it's fantastic, as these are the notebooks. I kept this because it was so fundamental.

Speaker 1:

Those are your notes from the 2022 conference. It is Okay.

Speaker 3:

It is, and every day I just I would read a quote, or, you know, i think it would be a quote from her.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And it says an environment of inspiration and innovation allows team members to thrive as individuals to grow. And I thought, okay, so I'm a team member who's carrying around another person and, like a four hour day of marketing, i was just done. you know, i couldn't even cook supper or it was just a lot, and it was overwhelming because I wanted to serve Desmond and in my position, to the best of my ability, you know, and the footwork is 90% of the job.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so let's talk about what your job is so that people can understand. So you do the is it? you're like a growth and marketing and like you're helping Desmond who's the owner of which which company?

Speaker 3:

Thornton home inspections. Thornton home inspections, yes sir.

Speaker 1:

Thornton, what Colorado.

Speaker 3:

No, no, it's his last name, desmond Thornton. Oh, even better.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Where are you guys?

Speaker 3:

located Chattanooga, out of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Yeah Well, actually the home office is Ringo, Georgia, but we cover the Metro Tri-State Chattanooga, Georgia, Alabama area.

Speaker 1:

So Desmond just won an award, didn't he?

Speaker 1:

He did, he got builder of the year Builder of the year, which is an incredible award because there's a lot of builder level companies inside of IEB. And for those that aren't familiar within IEB, we have different categories of sizes of companies and we kind of group from that way because the conversations that are happening, you know, at these different sizes of companies it's not that one's better than another, but you know, if you're hanging out with someone who's got, you know, 50 inspectors and you got two, it's like the conversations just aren't the same and it might be inspirational but it may not be helpful for where you're at. So we divide it up so you can get better conversations with people. And so builder of the year, you know, the average home inspection company is between one and five inspectors. So that's what majority of home inspection companies are. So Desmond's in that category, so there's a lot of people in that category and he won builder of the year And part of that is because the company's been growing Absolutely, and it's been growing because that's your job. Yes, congratulations.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

I think that award came to everybody in the company.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, because y'all did it Right. Yeah, that's amazing, You know, and that's hard for me to to accept that like y'all did it, because I wanted that for him. Yeah, You know it's. It's just a servant's heart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And it's just in a place to where the job is half the battle because and not not seeming haughty or but I can talk to anybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can, i don't have any. Let your gift, you know, right, yeah.

Speaker 3:

We're all born with the gift.

Speaker 1:

Y'all have everybody. Everybody's a 10 and something. Absolutely Yeah, and you're good at talking to people. Yes, you're probably not good at getting crawl spaces and finding termites.

Speaker 3:

No, but now I can because I'm small enough to do it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you are. Come on, girl, you're the tossing, you know you want me to do what No? Yeah right.

Speaker 3:

So, but just being able to serve him.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Um, with clarity, of not having to worry about my body. or yeah, and I don't want to say this in the wrong way, but I could go five miles between offices and have to pee. You know, it's like because I'm taking so many water, um, hydrochlorothiazide and lecinopril, and then load of pain. These are all blood pressure medicines I'm throwing out. And you know, one of my traits is I'm a certified medical assistant and a certified nursing assistant. Okay, and I was like, hmm, it was a oxymoron, you know, being in healthcare and waddling around trying to take care of everybody, but I'm not taking care of myself.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And when we came to Texas it was my first um, first IB conference, and I had been with Desmond probably about six months.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And um, i don't know It, just it's the energy in the room. I told Mr Greg, yesterday there was a little girl Uh, I don't mean to say little girl, but there was a young lady that spoke and I spoke right after her and, um, she had that tear jerk moment.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

It's like I'm going to, you know, please forgive me. And I was like I can't wait to see her in a year, because that's exactly what happened to me. What was going on internally?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, And so, Greg, I said you need to look for that when we have these conferences, because that's the energy. watch that person in a year because they've gotten that um unction to function.

Speaker 4:

So yeah.

Speaker 1:

So so you got inspired, so we're currently recording this on June, um second of 2023. So really right about 12 months ago, you got inspired in in May of 2022, at the last Unite conference and and something clicked Like what. What clicked? What was it That made like the? I'm going to make a change.

Speaker 3:

Well, um, first was the fear. Um, after having 11 minutes strokes, um, and like my left side, i was like what is going on? You know it's tingling and my leg is dragging, my left leg is dragging And uh, then this was before I be, uh of May of 2022. Um, i the the mini strokes happened in February and, like I had to do grueling um blood thinner therapy just to get the get everything moving again. Um, physical therapy, um, my husband had to basically assist cleaning me, uh doing things, because it took my whole left side for about three months Like I had dexterity issues.

Speaker 3:

I had ecstixia, which is a gate issues Like I couldn't walk. I walked with a walker for two months just to get through the therapy And it was all because of the weight. It was all because of the weight in the medicine.

Speaker 3:

So I went through a grueling rehabilitation for three months. Um, my belly looked like a. um, like Rocky Balboa had just took a punching bag I used it for a belly, where they were putting the blood thinner low injections in my stomach. So that's where they they go because your, um, your lymphatics and your thoracic duct help to move around the warfin, which is a blood thinner. Um, so it just by that happening, and and the fear like I'm never going to be able to walk again.

Speaker 4:

Like you know.

Speaker 3:

I'm 26. Quote unquote.

Speaker 4:

So um.

Speaker 3:

I just I knew something had to change or I was not going to be here.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I'm not going to be here long And I showed you the picture. You did. Yeah, and it's hard for me to look at that because it's like I mean Desmond, it tear jerked him And he was like I didn't see you that way.

Speaker 4:

Wow, I was like I didn't see you that way.

Speaker 3:

I'm so sorry And I don't know. Wow, It's um, it's a force to be reckoned with when you look and see like, wow, you know, I'm going to live.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you are.

Speaker 3:

You know, like I'm standing here, i'm going to live And I'll be called up someone carrying some wisdom at IEB and decided to share Right.

Speaker 1:

So That's amazing. So the atmosphere here is electric.

Speaker 3:

I know it.

Speaker 1:

And it is inspirational. And it's not just inspirational to like let's go grow businesses and make more money. It's, no, it's changed.

Speaker 3:

It's to grow people. It's to grow people. Yes, yes, absolutely. Or, in this case, shrink person, right, i know right, oh my goodness yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so like yeah, but it's so true, because you're growing people Right. And money is. I mean, i was a pastor of a church for a while And I got the opportunity to do a lot of funerals And I've never and it was really a privilege I counted a privilege but I never heard at a funeral someone talking about anything to do with the money Absolutely not, or the worldly possessions. The impact we have in this world isn't about your bank account. It's about the impact you've had in people's lives around you And it's a growing people and leaving a legacy in the people that you leave behind.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And sometimes in business it can come across like well, let's just make more money, let's make more money, let's make more money.

Speaker 4:

And it's like well, no, no, no no.

Speaker 1:

We're growing people.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. That's the big picture.

Speaker 1:

And if you people are growing, if you're growing individuals, if you're growing as a person, money does follow that. Oh, absolutely. But when you focus on the money, you'll never get what you want. But you focus on the people.

Speaker 3:

And it's all gonna come.

Speaker 1:

It all happens, it all works out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, that's basically what happened, you know, With this conversation or with this example. really, Dads and I just gotta just be present because we're poster children. If you change the mindset, if you put a person who is at the point of I got to hear I've got to have something. you're taking notes to your thumbs, got a callus on it, you know, And that, to me, if someone is taking that much time to listen and to re-verbatum what someone is saying, that's a hunger.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And I feel like that if you show up, and you show up hungry, you're gonna be fed.

Speaker 1:

Uh-huh absolutely.

Speaker 4:

So, There's food on the table here.

Speaker 3:

Oh, absolutely, there really is, absolutely Yeah good food if you're ready to eat. Yes, i was ready, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you're in you're having a walker. You're having a hard time walking. You got a walker to help you through this thing. That's in the spring of last year of 22. So I heard you over. I don't know for a fact. I thought I heard you over say you don't have a walker anymore. I know that, but I heard you running.

Speaker 3:

Oh, absolutely Yes, I love it.

Speaker 1:

Could you have run a year ago?

Speaker 3:

Uh-uh, oh, when we were in Dallas I wanted to so bad, because everybody was just the comradery. comradery was amazing, you know, and I think Dirk was with us then.

Speaker 1:

He was yep.

Speaker 3:

And it was just, you know, boom, boom, and I'm like, oh gosh, i can't take no more. I'm writing down everything and hey, we're going to run in the morning 6.30, you know, And I said, gosh, it's gonna be the same group of people per se, you know.

Speaker 3:

And I got up to go and the elevator was messed up, so I had to take some stairs, yeah. And by the time I got down to the where we were supposed to meet, i mean, everybody was already gone. So like I got left behind, because I guess you could say you can't carry someone who's larger than you and you can't carry yourself if you're carrying another person. So I got left behind and that was it.

Speaker 3:

I was like I'm done. I had a moment, i had an ugly cry. I was like you're so you can't do that. You know it was bad. It was a pity moment to where it almost had me, matthew, had I not had that. Well, actually, my daughter, she, she's got this funny sense She takes me. Mom, are you okay? I said no, actually I'm sitting on the stairs pouting because I wanted to go and try to run walk with the group and it was Mother's Day. It was during the weekend of Mother's Day.

Speaker 1:

That's right. Yeah, I remember that.

Speaker 3:

So I wanted to sit on my tuffet and just ball about it and snot. She was like mom, you are in a resort. The pictures you've sent me she was like you need to suck it up and stop. She's like I'm not being disrespectful mom, she said. but you're letting the enemy steal your joy because you weren't able to make it.

Speaker 3:

And so had she not said that harmony spoke that morning And I know that things happen for a reason And I feel like that now hindsight, had I not went I would probably not be here And in turn, desmond would not have. You could say, hypothetically he may not have one builder of the year.

Speaker 1:

Possibly So, which means the trajectory of the decision that you made in that morning after you couldn't think in your sad about it. and your daughter? how old your daughter.

Speaker 3:

She's 17. She's 17. She just graduated this past Friday.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

So she was 17 at the time. She was 16 at the time. So your 16 year old daughter goes, mom, snap out of it, Right, And you're like I mean when your kids said, cause I got two teenage daughters when your kid says that to you and confront you on something, it's like ooh wake up, that's, that's Well.

Speaker 3:

They're listening, they're watching you, yeah they are. Your children learn more about watching you than you know. Okay, so they What you do versus what you say, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Oh, man, that'll preach all day long.

Speaker 3:

Yes, absolutely Yeah.

Speaker 4:

You, they do.

Speaker 1:

So your daughter pipes up, says mom, you gotta stop Right. And you're like, all right, all right. So that moment of I'm tired, i can't. I got left behind pity, pity party for yourself Right. You know and cause you're feeling it, the feels right, and then your daughter's like mama, get out of this, snap out of this. That whole moment happens. She said you're beautiful mom anyway.

Speaker 3:

You know? she said you're a wonderfully made Yeah. She said mama, go and get, is there a Bible there? And I said it's a good end. She said it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

You know, she said it's the same.

Speaker 3:

You know, just you know our belief. Our belief system serves us well.

Speaker 1:

Yep, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

And she said you go right now and you read Psalm 139. And and, mama, now we're going to get on FaceTime, like I said. Okay, you know, she knows I was brushing her off, you know when somebody hits you with the truth.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, They're like yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, I'll go, I'll do it.

Speaker 3:

So she said okay, well, i'm going to call you on FaceTime, We're going to do it together, All right. Had I not, i didn't know she was struggling to that same day.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

She had to take her CNA test to be certified for high school. In high school she's gained a certified medical assistant Wow, a patient care technician and a certified nurses aide, and that's everything I have. So. I went back to. I went back to college to earn these, And she was able to earn it in high school As a teenager.

Speaker 1:

Yes, That's so cool. Yes, And so she confronts you. You get back to. she's like we're going to get you to the Bible right now. We're going to talk through this thing, Right.

Speaker 1:

And it's what we call it. The Bible teaches you Yes. So that moment led to the next moment, if you go and get in your mindset right, going back in and sitting down to listen to Harvey and Harmony said words of truth that that were what you needed in the moment. Yes, and and and. So she said some things that you were like. You know what? That's it? That's it. I'm making a change. Yup And yeah.

Speaker 3:

I guess you could say her title and it's so crazy right now And, matt, you're hitting me in between their eyes with this And the epiphany is now. Her title was gain attraction without the agent.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, gain attraction.

Speaker 3:

So okay, In home inspections, how do you get your inspection? The agent.

Speaker 1:

Agent gives you right referrals or referrals Right. Well, they can. They can make or break you, because if the buyer's, like I'm thinking about this company and the agents are going on all. They're not very good. You find somebody else or the agent says yeah, all right, yeah, absolutely, because they, they're the reputation.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, But see, we gained traction and it didn't even have to do with the home inspection business. Right, and it was all about if she gets right, if she gets the. I call it the click.

Speaker 3:

You know, it's that mindset change. So I noticed, oh, on the way, okay, after I had already had my meltdown as a 47 year old young lady and you get in trouble by your 17 year old daughter, well, who at the time 16, and I, just I said God, on the way to Dallas, i just I had a moment to where I knew that my first time flying was coming through Hartsfield Jackson in Atlanta. Crazy, you do not put a first time flyer at Hartsfield Jackson in a national airport in Atlanta, but it did. That's where we had to fly it up. And here I am with the, you know, the carry on suitcase or whatever. I had a backpack and I had a suitcase that I was rolling, and then another small suitcase which didn't have nothing but shoes in it.

Speaker 4:

So, but I was so struggling.

Speaker 3:

I was struggling just to make the flight, just to get through there through the flight. So when I did and we got on the plane and I said, god, you've got to do something.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I need a breakthrough, a mental. Most people say I need a breakthrough in my finances. I need a breakthrough in, you know, my kids are driving me crazy. But I said God, i need a mindset, breakthrough These strongholds on my mind as far as I can't and I'm not worth it. And my gift, you know is not deserved to be unwrapped. So it just stays in the box with the bow on it. All pretty shiny paper. Don't rip the paper. You know we're gonna say no, rip that open but the gift is inside.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So I just really, really just got real with myself, and then, of course, you know you're gonna have a pity party when the first thing that don't work is I got left when we all were supposed to run Yep. So when I saw Harmony walk up, it was just something that I was like okay. All right And I don't know. it was just this aura, this energy. We know what it is.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And it's like Mary and Elizabeth and Mary and Elizabeth were salutating each other. Elizabeth actually thought who she was carrying was. John was dead because he had not moved.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

He had not. she didn't know if he was even still alive. But when she came into the presence of Mary, who was carrying Jesus, john leapt in her womb, in Elizabeth's womb. And that's when Elizabeth said Mary, you are highly favored, for you are carrying that which is blessed. So Jesus and John in the womb were having their epiphany moments And Mary, in the presence of Elizabeth, made her baby leap. So it was like, when I saw her, when I saw Harmony walking up, there was something that lived inside me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, You're like there's something, there's something here And there's something here.

Speaker 3:

She got something that I need She was carrying my gift, she was carrying my breakthrough. Yeah, i do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's those moments. I totally get it. There's moments in life where you know it's, there's somebody that there's, like you know people might say it's a coincidence, or some people will maybe say it's like. maybe some people say that there are no coincidences, right, it's just like it was just an encounter that happened or you meet the right person at the right time, absolutely. And there are just like, almost like supernatural appointments almost where, like you just run into somebody or you meet somebody new. We've all had them.

Speaker 1:

Divine collisions, divine collision Ooh, i like that. So like a divine collision. You just you run into somebody that you don't know, you've never met before, and just internally, in your like, in your spirit, in your That unction of unction In your energy. on the inside, you're just like this is somebody I need to know. Yes, like I don't even know. I don't know nothing about you, but I know on my inside there's something inside of me that's saying, you have something that I need.

Speaker 3:

There was a witness, you know, and she probably had. We hadn't even, we hadn't even met. But and I'm in, a crowd where, like, there was a lot of people, yep, and I'm not able to sit behind other people like I have to be in front even at church. My daughter's like mama please don't sit in the front. If I'm behind people, it's like. I'm like this You're looking around, yeah. So I know my strength, you know it's like I know what I can deal with. It's like Oowishiny gets me completely off.

Speaker 3:

So I don't need nobody in front of me.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And it just, i just knew it and engaged and took notes, But the thing was gaining traction without the agent That was her, her title.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And she said progress is impossible without change And those who cannot change their mindset cannot change anything. And it says what types of changes have you made in order to progress in the middle of an evolving market?

Speaker 3:

So say where we're talking about then it was the oncoming of what's happening now. So that's what she was referencing is how to gain traction, how to still stay afloat without the real estate agent being that person Being. there's other ways that you can grow your business. And it's so true because, with me having entrepreneurship, i took, i guess, ownership that if I don't get myself together, you know I'm the quote, unquote mouth of the company.

Speaker 1:

Yep, you're kind of the face of the company. You're out and about Right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, right, and heart assets are major in the industry. Like people, they're gonna remember somewhat what you say. Yeah, and I'm gonna always remember how you made them feel And that's a hard thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is.

Speaker 3:

So I just sized up to myself and I said, okay, so you've got this. I checked off everything that I had positive about myself. I guess you could call it a one sheet. I'm not really sure but that's okay. Self-evaluating.

Speaker 1:

You're writing down. Yeah, that's good.

Speaker 3:

I wrote down the positives after she got through. Like you could see, I got a play through of her notes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and provide the infrastructure needed to inspire innovation. All of her her time, her information was geared toward the home inspection business and how to stay afloat in the home inspection business, but at the time I was seeing it as I've got to make this change or this change is gonna happen so I can do these, that I can be independent as far as marketing and talking to people and not breaking a sweat just getting out of the car.

Speaker 3:

I having to stop every five miles to pee. So it's like, oh my God, i got to pee. The last straw, honestly, was before the weekend, before Texas. The Friday I do the Atlanta Metro marketing And we're very transparent and I hope nobody laughs at me. But it also was part of the last straw When I had to stop 18 times from my little town in Summerville, georgia, to my marketing routes down through Cardisville, bartow County Metro Atlanta. I had to stop 18 times in four hours to pee.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So that's all of the fluid is just like just toxicity.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, wow.

Speaker 3:

And that 18th time I literally didn't make it. And I'm like why can't I just not drive and not have to go to the bathroom every.2 miles? I don't need anything done, like I'm stopping more to use the bathroom than I'm stopping to market to realtors. So that's Desmond's gas, you know what? I'm saying That's not no, and I just was not going to allow myself to do him a disservice of me not being able to be the best that I can be for him, for myself, for my family you know Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And you know, if we don't give it a first.

Speaker 1:

You had a moment just like. I am not. You got fed up. Yeah, you're like.

Speaker 3:

I'm not doing this anymore.

Speaker 1:

And so then you decided all right, that's it. I'm making a change.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And you lost 100 pounds Absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Still losing. I got to work on it. Yeah, I got to. I'm muscling up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you are Yeah.

Speaker 3:

While I need to.

Speaker 1:

I want to.

Speaker 3:

I'm doing it And they're alive. I told Red it was one of my sons And I said, red, i said I need some muscle, some, you know, muscle. help me with muscle.

Speaker 3:

He said well, mom, you're losing And the things that you've cut out, you've got to implement more protein, you know so they kind of taught me because, i mean, old school is like bro, we just do collard, greens and chicken or rice and chicken, you know, to build muscle. And he was like no, mom, you've got to. things have changed And I'm so thankful that I have millennial children you know because they'll say mom, get on this and get your workout.

Speaker 3:

You know, or I think you're an, you're an assistant And I were talking there's different things with your arms or with your legs and just to share you know of, hey, see me this and see me that. you know, but running is fabulous. My son went running with me while he was home during summer well, you can say summer break for college And Rocky is like I mean from a child. Rocky's been my dude. So all the movies I mean like there is no tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

So when.

Speaker 3:

Apollo agreed was. It's like what's the matter with you?

Speaker 1:

So that was.

Speaker 3:

Kiki that was my daughter She was like what is the? matter with you, you know. And I was like we'll do it tomorrow. She was like, mom, there is no tomorrow, you know. And I really, and with her she was like I want you here, you know. She was like there is no tomorrow, you've got to do something, you know. And so we're running and I'm sore, and I'm like why am I sore? He said mom. He said pain is the sign of weakness. Leaving your body, oh bro.

Speaker 4:

I could have cut a jig.

Speaker 3:

I could have had a tambourine and just been, like, just done. So it's amazing And I don't at all take it lightly, matt, because Desmond getting a builder of the year this year, that only means that we got to work harder, yeah yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

So, beyond the loss of weight, physically you're doing better, but I know that that impacts more than just that. And you mentioned like even getting more clarity and Absolutely. And so you're losing the weight, right, and you're just and I think we had talked earlier and I asked you if you were doing any kind of program or like and you're like, no, i'm just, i just cut all the junk out.

Speaker 3:

I cut the junk out. You know what I realized? that I said BS on like quote unquote national TV. Oh, did you When we were, that's so funny When I had the little box, the microphone, oh yeah, you know, and I was like I just That's funny.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely And then I said, oh okay, But it's the truth though I want that it is Yeah, but it's a truth. You can't sugar coat that, no, you can't, you know, you cannot sugar coat that because there is, and I understand And you know what I discovered. It is just unbelievable And maybe somebody needs to hear this that can change all of this problems for us. But why is it cheaper to eat junk than it is to eat healthy?

Speaker 1:

Well, right, What Isn't that messed up?

Speaker 3:

It is. They want to keep us sick.

Speaker 1:

It's almost like they do want to keep us fat and sick.

Speaker 3:

They want to keep us fat and sick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because it.

Speaker 3:

And I don't mean that in a bad way, please understand. when I say fat, i don't, i'm not because I was that. That's, that's a hard.

Speaker 1:

I was that girl, you know Well yeah, sure, and at one point I was extremely overweight myself, so you know it's. But yeah, it's, there's an, there's like an obese level.

Speaker 2:

I can, that's like this.

Speaker 1:

this is killing you Morbid obesity is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, your joints are hurting and Yes, but you know Morbid. Morbid is The brain fog. Yes, your brain is At 250 pounds and say for I used to be for 11 and a half, thank God, for you know, kind of graduated, everything kind of shrinks. So I'm now 410. So I guess that's what happens when you get older. But at 200 and toggling from 250, 255, 258, that BMI is like you're half fat.

Speaker 1:

Wow Yeah.

Speaker 3:

BMI is any BMI over 48, and I was at 52, you know my next circumference was. I showed you the picture. My next circumference was almost well, almost two feet, And that's just astonishing.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

When you measure your neck. Yeah, whoa, look at the head. Yeah, nah, let's see it was maybe 19,. Almost 22 inches.

Speaker 4:

You know and thinking about that.

Speaker 3:

You don't think about it being round, you know. But when you stretch that out that's almost two feet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I was just. there's so many brick moments, brick wall moments, it's like you know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Like Lord, thank you.

Speaker 1:

And so you lost the weight. Your mind's getting clear. What other impacts did you see in your life?

Speaker 3:

I have been able to work with a sense of I love what I do. Mm-hmm, i loved what I did carrying two people ago you know Uh-huh. And it's so much more fulfilling now because that is the one thing that keeps me going in the struggle day to day. You know, and not saying it's easy, we walk by the donut shop and I'm like no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Really, and it's that mindset that I am not. I've ate the junk, mm-hmm, and I've eaten it a couple times. There's nothing like a fried bologna sandwich, you know, with mayonnaise.

Speaker 1:

In moderation, right, absolutely. It's not breakfast, lunch and dinner, thank you, right. Once every few weeks, or something once a month, or yeah, yes, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And it's just astonishing that once you have first it's got to be the mindset. The mindset has got to have the introduction that this is your moment, This is your time.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And when that season is right, at least it's to everything. There's a season When that season is right. You're going to know that you're coming up on your, your tilling time you know where you got to break up the ground.

Speaker 3:

You got to get the weeds out. You got to, you got to get turn it over is what we call it in the south. You got to turn the ground over with a tiller. And so when you do that in your heart and you and it, it doesn't just have to be weight loss, it could be anything.

Speaker 1:

Can be Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Spending more time with your kids. It could be showing up and being in the moment at home with your spouse. It could be I mean, the. The examples are astronomical. It's just not working. Weight loss Like this is life.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And you make the, when you decide that there is something more that I was created to do, and these are the hindrances And these are the solutions. You have to write. People have gotten so far away from writing things down. I thank God for the age of technology the phones Yeah, i said yesterday, is in our basic instructions. Before leaving earth, write the vision, write what you want, right, right, and then say say, because you're going to get what you say.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely You attract who you are And if you're writing it down and you're saying it, then you're, you're, yeah, you're absolutely, you're starting to, you know, even manifest, or you're starting to attract, or you know, like in a, in spiritual words, sometimes even say prophesy right, you're basically speaking, right. You're kind of speaking the future into existence, right, and it's, it's a spiritual principle, but absolutely. And I don't I don't even.

Speaker 3:

It's a natural battle.

Speaker 1:

It is, and it's something that I mean, you don't even have to have a certain faith, but you start to. You see it, people, even people who aren't in any kind of faith stream also, they also talk about this. You know, speaking stuff into existence And and it's, it is something that's in the Bible too, absolutely And so, but you know, but it's, but you start to, you start to do that, you write it down and you start speaking it and you start seeing these massive changes in your life.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And that principle of what you picked up in a year or so ago and really started implementing, right, because there's a difference between knowing it and doing it Absolutely And so. But last year you were like no, i'm, i'm making this change and you had a mental shift and you're like I'm going to, this is happening.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And so I think we all have battles right, and so we all have things that we're struggling with, and and when you make that change and you're intentional about it and you take action steps on it, you start to see massive impact.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And for you everybody goes whoa right, you lost a ton of weight. what happened Right? And you can see it in your energy and your attitude and the way you're carrying yourself, and all this. you see, all this stuff that's going on the outside, but we're all battling stuff. You're battling, you know, relationship issues or all kinds of things going on in our life, but it's the difference of like, no. I'm going to start applying this.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And you start thinking the internal shift. And when you grow yourself, you start to. You start to see everything in your life, start to change.

Speaker 3:

Oh, absolutely, absolutely So what?

Speaker 1:

what does your daughter say now?

Speaker 3:

Oh, she's like mom, you rock. You know she's like mom. Why, when we go to Walmart, you still go to the plus section. You know it's right. And I said no, i'm not. No, she said mom, please stop. You know it's the more it's the body dysmorphia You think that you're still, that it takes a minute for you to catch up to. I'm not that person anymore.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Like it actually happened. You know, it's almost like you I was fed up and I spoke every day. I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health. You know, you're a beautifully and wonderfully made, speaking that every day. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. When I had hair rollers hair rollers in my hair and dots for acne on my face And I'm looking at the mirror and I'm like, wow, yeah, and so what kind of impact did that have on your daughter?

Speaker 1:

Do you think like long-term seeing you do this?

Speaker 3:

I think first is when I went back to college at age 35, that was one and got my degrees or certifications or whatever. But I'm hoping that she will see the example of walking out our faith. Now, what we, what. I'm pointing my finger at her every day you know, you're going to get what you say.

Speaker 3:

You know. Kick it quit being so negative. You know, as a mama here doing things and I'm like why are you speaking so negative? Do you know that that is not going to do anything but just jack you up on the inside You're? going to be stressed out during the day. So it's like I'm preaching to her waddling around, you know, because I was still 260 then, yeah, and the things I was speaking to her then they wouldn't resonate as much as they are now, because that you're practicing what you're preaching now.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, the action that she sees every day. Now, some days, and I'm going to tell you right now no, i don't want to get up and get my heart rate going. No, i don't want to get up and and eat grilled chicken and spinach or avocados, and you know, you know I don't want to, but my family needs me to. Yeah, You know my if I don't show up healthy. You know we don't eat desmond, we just. it's just the way it is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And you have to almost stop bullshitting yourself, you know yeah and I know and I try to, I Mean when I say bullshit you know it's it's Not. We're lying to ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, yeah, you're telling yourself lies And in fact there's lies that people talk about they, they won't overcome the challenges because they say things like you told me earlier You're 47, you made that decision, so that means you're 48 now.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So, but how many times have people been like I'm in my 40s, like I'm not gonna change. This is just who I am. And like like oh, i'm in my 40s, like yeah, i mean, that's just what happens when you get older He put on some weight, you know right, that's the scapegoat, because they really don't want to try.

Speaker 3:

Hmm really don't want to try.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Yeah they really don't want to show up and And put forth the effort you know to to lace up your shoes, lace up your boots, mm-hmm, and kick ass for the day. Yeah, even if it's just a One, one change, you know, one positive change, it doesn't have to be just with weight loss or or with one positive change, mm-hmm, i'm not down. You know things that are, that are jacked up, and be real with it, because you've got to be real. I'm trying to find what I had Came. Something hit me the other day and it was like a purposeful inventory. And you know, in the medical field we have PPE, proper protective equipment.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm and the analogy, if I can Find it's right quick. I'm sorry, i'm sure that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you hear the trip.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry but I live by my notes y'all. Yeah, that's just something that that.

Speaker 1:

That's a good practice and to write it down and write stuff down and there's that's definitely for sure, right, i know my kids will always have it.

Speaker 3:

If they don't have anything else, they're gonna have my notebooks and you know and I talk, i write and talk as if somebody's reading it. Okay, just me reading it. Yeah so That's fantastic are oh, watch me find it after we get in class or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what's gonna happen.

Speaker 3:

Right, It is but it's a purposeful Okay, what is it? PPE purposeful planning evaluation. Okay and like a self-evaluation right and it's PPE, i'm like, okay. So when we go in to To give shots to toddlers, i have to mask up, i have to glove up.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I have to. you know antiseptic where we're gonna apply the injection? Uh-huh Well, it's the PPE for your life. It's like purposeful Planning evaluation wow so the germs in life, you know yeah can be Stereolized and and and like, eradicated if you sit down and be real and write down what's jacked up. You know, yeah, Honestly, what is jacked up. Is it my attitude, You know? is it the way that you know I treat myself? if you treat yourself like Cocka?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Then you're gonna treat everybody else. Hurt people, hurt people.

Speaker 1:

That's so true and so. And your self-talk, yes, has a massive impact, massive. The voice inside your head, that critical voice inside of your head, yes, that's coming at you and like tearing you down right. You know like I think everybody battles that yes, You know it is there.

Speaker 1:

There's a war that goes on in our head, i mean, and we have a critical voice that is in there, absolutely, and that's one that, like, we all have to fight back against. Like no, i'm not gonna choose to believe that right, but I think you're right writing it down and saying and being brutally honest, like, like, what is it my evaluation really? What's my problem?

Speaker 1:

Well it's because I'm 40 something years old, and then you know that's just cuz. I know no, no, no, you know that's not, that's it. That's a, that's an excuse, right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah exactly.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's cuz. it's because my mom didn't, you know, ever really truly loved me, she neglected me, or whatever like okay, great, yeah, that happened, but that's no longer happening, you know and it's like well, my dad, this or my brother or my sister or my family's always been this way. Mm-hmm, my grandfather drank my mom's drinking my dad drank. I'm an alcoholic too. No, hold on a minute now. Now, yeah, you do have some. You know, you have maybe a harder battle than maybe others might have against this right.

Speaker 4:

But that doesn't have to be an excuse.

Speaker 1:

You're predisposed to some things, but you're not because you. Yeah, absolutely, we all have predispositions And we have trauma and things in our life that have caused us to. But at some point you got to say no, that stops with me.

Speaker 1:

Yes, i'm stopping the cycle, stopping that generation, i'm stopping that cycle and that cycle could be, maybe, like everybody in your family's, overweight, oh, or maybe everybody in your family is doesn't, doesn't do well in life, maybe everybody's got poverty, or maybe you know, at some point in time you gotta go. What is it that is stopping me? Let's just some hardcore valuation and say you know what? I'm gonna be the break, I'm gonna the chain breaker today, i'm gonna stop absolutely, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

and then it goes to Your peers, your children yeah, i'm gonna happen over nine. No, it takes time, but if you consistently keep working at it, you'll see Them to start doing Certain small changes. Yeah like now Rikia will not drink a co-cola, or into where I used to like have to have. I would get mad. We were in Dallas One breakout session, like we had a break, and I was like if somebody don't door-dash me a coke, i'm gonna kill somebody, i mean you know, yeah, cuz you're addicted to sugar, right, Yeah, yes, so she is those things that, like I can say it all

Speaker 3:

day to her Or to my son or you know anybody I can. That's close within the home with me. That's in my, in my tribe. Yeah, i can say it to. The roof is blown off the water, but it was Me doing it and dem see, and mom's not coming off this wall. You know like, can you please buy some groceries? You know they're like mom. Okay, come on. What is quinoa and and and what is she said? She called it a guy. I said is I think it's, i see a or I see a.

Speaker 1:

Cia. I don't know how to say it either.

Speaker 3:

She's like mom is a key and I was like, no, you don't get a key out of that, so I'm bringing stuff in the house. Yeah that that I'm kind of researching, and Adam a? yeah, i don't know what is that. I love cashews, peanuts, but what is that? Adam a, or how you pronounce it. Sometimes I have to tell Siri to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, and then I don't know what do you mean? This is Siri and I'm like well, me and Siri fuss a lot When she sees that and I know that She is Learning that us as women, you know, when it's harder, as being a woman and being a mother and and and, at the time being overweight Not taken very seriously, you know, even though I was her mom but, Starting to walk With the weight.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we're gonna walk today, we're gonna get on it. Yes, we're good, we're getting silent. You know no bread and it lasts for three days.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Or I walk for two days and then back to it sitting on my tuff it When she was called, when I called it, i was like I'm not doing it, i'm not, i don't even want to go, i don't even want to be here. Mom, it's Mother's Day, get up, wow, you know, like literally yeah and Seeing consistently That something happened to my mom, you know uh-huh my mom's gonna live.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, like quote, unquote, and it sparked her like I'll get up to go run. And she's already been run because she has to go to class, so She's three hours ahead of me because she was up at 330, you know, and I'm like whoa, i got to catch up with this kid because I've done something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have and so you if you, your daughter has been watching you make this change. Yes, and, and she's inspired by you, right, and she's, yeah, you change her life in the process of changing your life.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, and in the business, your teammates, whatever the evaluation is, whatever you got to do for your business. Mm-hmm or, okay. So it may be business owners That are listening, yeah, and it may be Team, team players, oh, that are listening. Okay, you may not have a problem with weight loss. You may not have a problem with you. Know, whatever your, it is.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm once your team sees that You've made that change and it's not gonna happen overnight and you can give lip service all day, you can talk about it all day, but with the action consistently happening and Them watching you, you're interned, becoming a better teammate, a better leader You're. You're creating an environment to encourage other people to step out of their comfort zone and impact the business, the market, your life.

Speaker 3:

Once you just consistently stay with it, and whatever your it is, then you gotta get ugly about it first you know the ugly cry, You gotta get ugly.

Speaker 3:

If you're riding down the stuff that you know you need to change and it doesn't make you go oh you know, then you're not really dealing with nothing, you just need to just suck it up. But if you're riding and you're doing that cleanse of the junk and it don't, at the time that you're riding it, i'll just free ride and you know, just say, okay, bad words. I'm giving the guy the finger every time he pulls out in front of me.

Speaker 4:

I mean little things like that Okay.

Speaker 3:

but then when you purposely go and look and see what you actually wrote, if there's something not on that list, it goes oh gosh, i didn't know I did that. You know, Or I know I did that, but ugh. So if you don't have anything like that on your list, then you know you must be close to perfect.

Speaker 1:

Right, For sure you gotta get brutally honest. right, You ride all the way down to truth. yeah, That's so good.

Speaker 3:

All right, you have to, man, i'm just so grateful. And I could just go on and on and on. But the result is Desmond got billed earlier And that is because of the process of me daily making a choice to show up, to put up and to shut up the negative talk. Yep, you know, like just to shut up if you don't have anything. You know your mama say listen, baby, if you ain't got nothing good to say, don't say nothing at all.

Speaker 1:

So Do that to yourself too. Yes, absolutely, mom's the word.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you just don't tell yourself down internally, man, no, because like your mind's already telling yourself that anyway, so why would you speak it out? What goes, what comes out your mouth gate And what goes in your ear gate? What are you watching All your gates Your eye gate, your ear gate, your mouth gate, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, garbage in, garbage out.

Speaker 3:

Yes, absolutely Yeah, if you're letting that stuff into you like it's in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you gotta be careful what you feed yourself.

Speaker 3:

You stink, that's right You stink and not know it, right, it's like you won't even know it, but because you hadn't been brutally honest or even you hadn't been in a position. I encourage you to get around people Matt and I had mentioned, or Matt, i mentioned Mary and Elizabeth. I try to be careful, but I rely 90% on my belief system And if you're not in the presence or if you do not have yourself surrounded with people that make your quote unquote, baby leap, you're around the wrong people. Ooh, that's yeah. You're around the wrong people. If the people that you're around don't inspire your gift you're fire within, you know if they don't keep you ever growing or keep you challenged, then stagnant, stagnant water, mold, algae mosquitoes things that are nasty body, but that free flowing spring, it's just clear and you can take a good drink of it anytime.

Speaker 3:

Don't nobody wanna be around stagnant water, you know. So if you can surround yourself or even be that, person somebody wants to be around you know, nobody wants you to suck the air out of the room. Every time You just walk in It's like, oh God, you can't say nothing to her today. And people know your face, You know you get it, it's like you have a coworker and you can tell when they're having a bad morning as soon as they pull up in a parking lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can see it in the face. It's like yep.

Speaker 3:

You can see it on the car.

Speaker 1:

Because the car is shaking, because they come in like 90 to nothing, you know.

Speaker 2:

And then they get out and it's like oh.

Speaker 3:

Lord, here comes the tornado. But I didn't mean to get sidetracked with that, but it's real.

Speaker 1:

It is real. It is real. But all that stuff is connected to the mentality And when you get your yeah, and then that starts to really make big changes. Listen, mamati, your story is super inspiring. I am so glad that you came on the show today. Thank you for having me. I know that there are people that are listening, that they're getting sparked and they're like, man, i'd love to talk to Mamati or get a hold of you. What was the best way to get a hold of you if someone's like I want to hear more of your story?

Speaker 3:

Right, you can email me at in, as in Natasha Wells, wels Walker, walker at gmailcom, and I will be brave enough and put my cell phone number out there. Okay, all right, it's 706. Okay, so it's 766. Uh-huh 64. Uh-huh 64. All right. Instagram is mamat mama, underscore T, underscore Walker. All right, and Facebook is Redbird Walker, all right. I got a whole lot of nicknames You do. I like this. Yeah, it's Redbird, just stuck. Dad always called me that and that's just what it is.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. Yeah, so that's awesome. We'll write that down in the show notes. And so I've always, i always tell people too, like you know hey text before you call, you know if you're doing a cell phone.

Speaker 2:

It's like hey, so and so, when do you?

Speaker 1:

have a chance to talk. You know, yeah, that way you're not interrupting your day or whatever. And then and they can just text you And be like hey, i saw, i heard you on the podcast. You know I want to talk to you more. Well, thank you so much for being on the show.

Speaker 3:

You are so welcome And I thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. This was an absolute blast. So thank you so much. You are so welcome.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for having me.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

You've been listening to Empire State of Mind. For the home inspection industry and beyond, our passion is to elevate the home inspection industry with mindset, strategy and tools. We hope you've enjoyed the show. Make sure to like, rate and review For more, follow on Instagram at IEB coaching And don't forget to hit the website at wwwiebcoachingcom. Learn about IEB at no cost and have all your questions answered on our open call once a month on the third week of the month. We hope to see you there And we'll see you next time on the Empire State of Mind.

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