Empire State of Mind

Exploring the Power of Coaching Styles for Business Success and Personal Growth

Matt Williams

Ready to explore the captivating world of coaching? Brace yourself for an insightful journey with our esteemed guest, Brandon Paternoster, an IEB coach, as we demystify the three different types of coaching styles and their unique contributions to personal growth and business success. Learn the nuances of regular coaching, consultant coaching, and mastermind coaching, and master how to leverage each to drive your entrepreneurial journey.

As entrepreneurs, we've had our fair share of battles with business expansion and pricing. Join us as we share our triumphs and tribulations, including the benefits of surge pricing and how I was steered through tough decisions by a master mining group within IEB. Discover the power of networking and collaboration, and how a group of like-minded individuals can be your secret weapon in overcoming business obstacles, irrespective of the size of your venture.

Lastly, we delve into the profound impact of coaching on personal and professional development. Hear about the importance of having a clear mindset, understanding your market share and profitability, breaking generational curses, and creating a life you love. So, get ready to leverage the transformative power of coaching, community, and intentional conversations to steer your business forward and create a life you're passionate about. Join us in this riveting conversation with Brandon to tap into the magic of coaching!

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- email: matt@dciabq.com
- IG: @the.matthew.williams

Matt Williams:

Welcome to the Empire State of Mind. Today, we're going to be talking about coaching. What is coaching? How can it help you, how can it elevate your business and your life?


We believe the purpose of owning a business is funding your perfect life. Welcome to the next generation of growth and opportunity in the inspection industry. This is the Empire State of Mind. Empire State of Mind Building build companies with faster growth, higher profits and more time freedom. Finally, a podcast for the home inspection industry and beyond. This is the Empire State of Mind and this is your host, Matt Williams.

Matt Williams:

Welcome to the show. Today we are going to be talking about coaching. What does that look like in business and in your life? I got to tell you, sometimes you've never had a coach in your life. Maybe you've never had somebody speaking into your life in this kind of a way. Part of what we do at IEB is a coaching group. We do a lot of things here, but that coaching is something that is definitely different and unique if you've never encountered it. But today I have on the show one of our coaches inside of IEB, mr Brandon Paternoster. Brandon, how are you doing today?

Brandon Paternoster:

Man, I'm so good. Matt, how are you?

Matt Williams:

I'm doing pretty fantastic, awesome. Yeah, it's been a really good day. We're actually still at the IEB Unite conference and rolling hard around the last day it's like Day 45 or something like that it feels like Day 45. It's actually Day number three or four.

Brandon Paternoster:

Four, four, it's Day four. All right, it's four.

Matt Williams:

Yes, it's all blurring together, but we're talking about coaching, what coaching looks like in your business and in your personal life. And so, brandon, talk to me about this. What is a coach? How does this work? And does IEB coaching? What does IEB coaching look like?

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, man, that's a great, Great question to dive in. So let's unpack coaching first. Okay, all right, so you know coaching. I think when you hear the word coach, you think of somebody that's just going to tell you what to do. Right, like it's just an easy button.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yep, someone's going to tell you what to do, and the fact of the matter is that's the first, furthest thing from coaching, right? So there's like three types of coaching. All right, so we'll start with like just regular old coaching. Okay, regular old coaching is when you partner with an individual that's probably going to be trained in some format of coaching and they're going to be really good at asking you questions to help you get to the root of whatever the issue is you're working on or the goal that you're trying to achieve, right, and then it's somebody to be held accountable to. Right, like, you're going to tell that person your goals, your dreams, your hopes, whatever it is, and then that person's going to like remember that right, write it down, and you're going to be accountable to that right. So, and the traditional style of coaching it's just asking really good questions, okay.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

So then. So then there's a type of coaching that I think most people believe coaching is and this, this. This type of coaching is actually a little bit more rare and that is like the consultant coaching, right? So like that's when you say you know, you have a background in business and I want to achieve a business goal, so I'm going to hire you to get me through this season and you're going to give me some input, you're going to give me some tools, you're going to give me some models. You're also going to hold me accountable and ask good questions, but you're going to consult more of my business. You're going to intimately know my business a little bit more than a traditional coach. Okay, you know, health coaching, fitness coaching, a trainer, right?

Matt Williams:

I have a personal trainer, right, but you can clearly see just kidding. But he did do like like one of those the in body scans and they do this at the gym.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, those things are sweet.

Matt Williams:

They are cool, right. So you stand on the machine and like calculate your everything and like your bone density and all that stuff, so like. So that guy's like getting deep into my business because he is like scanning my body. We have an actual print out of what's going on inside of me. He's given me a diet program which I have completely abandoned this week.

Brandon Paternoster:

Well, you know, yeah, you know, you're on vacation.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, sure, and different and different area code. I think that doesn't count. Calories don't count here, and so yeah, and so he gives me like a diet program, like an eating program kind of thing, like here's what you need to be eating your body, and then he has any exercise and yeah.

Brandon Paternoster:

So that's like a consultant, right, like diving deep in yeah, so that's actually a coaching relationship that you have. They're operating at a different level, though, right, like they're telling you do this amount of work yeah yeah, like, do these this amount of sets? Add weight now. Take away weight here.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, he does that. Yeah, absolutely yeah, we're like I'm pushing, he's like, he's like you did that too easy, yeah, and I'm like oh yeah, and he's like over there grabbing plates and he's like throw these plates on here, and he's like do it again. And I'm like again, you know, and come on, man, you know. So, yeah, it's like all right, I do it, but then I'm seeing results. Yes, yes.

Brandon Paternoster:

So I think most people approach coaching with the mindset that they're hiring a personal trainer for whatever it is they're working on, and the fact of the matter is, is that's actually not. That's actually not typical coaching, right? Okay? So then the last type of coaching and and this is the majority of what IEB does is master mind coaching. Okay, this is probably my favorite style of coaching. I'm a people person. I love to be in a room, uh-huh, right. So master mind coaching is either smaller, large group coaching, where the members of the coaching group Okay. So if you're doing like a, like a mini mastermind, you got 10 people in the room. Okay, the 10 people in the room are providing the feedback, right? So it's not the coach that's the knowledgeable one, right? It's not the coach that's steering uh, the answers to the questions, right?

Brandon Paternoster:

The coach is just facilitating, making sure that the, that the call or the in-person experience is experience, just moves forward. Right yeah, so the setting, uh, the coach is actually a facilitator.

Matt Williams:

So they're kind of like setting up the guardrails. Yes, to keep the conversation, you know, on the highway.

Brandon Paternoster:

Exactly, exactly. But the community, the people in the room, the people on the call are the experts. Yeah, so that's what IEB really is. Right, ieb is a mastermind company, um, and and we'll dive into this a little bit later we're bringing more of the coaching model in um, but the mastermind experience is is so impactful because it's multiple answers Right.

Brandon Paternoster:

Like it's not one person saying this is what I would do. It's a room saying this is something that we've done in the past, or here's how we handled that situation before, and and and. Now it becomes a collective of different ideas, and what that ultimately does is it? It's like a. It's a shortcut, really right, because, like so, if you look at a problem and you say, uh, I've got my, my, my problem is X right, there's like 10 steps to fix that problem, right?

Brandon Paternoster:

no-transcript, every third step. You're gonna make a mistake and you're gonna have to change gears or you know something, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, a curve balls gonna get thrown. You didn't see? But when you present that problem to the group and now you have 10 people, 20 people, I mean, sometimes on calls we have like what, 60 plus companies, right, sometimes, yeah, yeah.

Brandon Paternoster:

So now they're not all contributing necessarily, of course, right, but you might have five or ten that are right yeah that have done the exact that, have already Already, mm-hmm like, accomplish the goal you're working towards, or have already fixed the problem that you now have to fix. Yeah, and they're gonna tell you, like, hey, at step three there's gonna be a curve, but if, if you do this at step two, you'll skip straight to step seven.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, it happens, right, yeah, and there's been times on those calls where I've been the guy contributing and saying, hey, watch out for this, this curve is gonna hit. You know, if you don't slow the car down around this curve and pay attention, you might slide off the road. And and it's like if you, you know, and it's like a NASCAR driver having a Pit coach saying like, watch this turn, slow it down here. Okay, hit the accelerator here, not there. Yep, you know, steer into this angle, at this angle and at this speed, and then you hit the gas. You know, and and and those things are important because otherwise you can burn out or skid off the road or screw something up. Yeah, in fact, I'll be super transparent. I had a Situation that I was going through over the last couple of months, that that I was wasn't sure exactly how to handle it, and and so I actually brought this to a group of within IEB and we had this amazing conversation. So here's the fork in the road that I hit, and and I I say this out of all humility Because I have good problems, right, right, and so my good problem was I'm, I'm, it's, it's May of 2023.

Matt Williams:

The market is now it's June, but in May of 2023. I was like looking at the beginning of May and I was like, wow, I am, I'm, I'm booked out like far, like like I'm losing business now because I can't get to it fast enough. Your past capacity, past capacity, right, and so so I'm a past capacity. So over the last two years, it would have been like higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, because the last two years is like grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow. The market was surging, everything's going, but the market is down, my competition is going out of business, guys are shutting up shop and for whatever reason, like why? I have some reasons, but are my business is thriving and booming? Yeah, probably because of the advice I've gotten in the master mining groups within IEB, and so I'm booming. I literally, in May of 2023, had the biggest month in the history of my company.

Matt Williams:

That's awesome, unbelievable, yeah. And so we're heading into May and I'm like I have a problem, like I'm, I'm at a capacity and I'm booked out like seven days, wow, eight days, a hundred percent capacity. I've told all my crew if you want to pick up extra jobs, you want to do anything like it is fair game, right is like it's go time. If you want it.

Matt Williams:

you know it's over time yeah if you want over time, it's there. Yeah, and I had guys take me up on it and we're still just booking out and booking out, booking out. So so I remember sitting down like, well, what do I do? Because the market isn't such that you just charge forward.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah there's not a lot of confidence in the market.

Matt Williams:

No, no, no confidence, right. So I'm like, do I? Do I hire another guy? And no, well then, what if? What if I'm not 60 days from now, 90 days? Now the market's turning back down because it's unstable. Yeah, and now I gotta lay somebody off, and and that's not, that's not. I don't like that. I don't want to have to hire somebody in the land off right away. That would be. That's kind of messing with somebody's personal life and their home life and stuff that's not cool?

Matt Williams:

Yeah, it's not cool, right. So then I'm like, what do I raise prices to slow it down? But what if I raise prices and then again, 60 days from now, it pulls back down again? Like, is this a short little burst that I'm getting, or is this like a? Yeah, right, is this a trend or is this just right? Crazy month is right, exactly. Is a trend or crazy month? Yeah, exactly. Great question, great, great summary, right?

Matt Williams:

So I'm personally I had to deal with that. If, like a month ago, yeah, and I was like, what do I do here? And so I know I have big decisions to make and they had deep impacts on everybody in my organization. And so it's like, okay, well, what happens if I raise my prices, then have to lower back down again? Right, so you know, and then that means I'm paying my guys a little bit more per job, or you know, because, like, we do a pay split structure, okay, and so. So then it's like when, now, hey, guys, you're gonna make a little bit more money per job, but now, all of a sudden, you're not right when I'm messing with their paychecks, right, yeah, there's big, big decisions that they hit people in a very personal way, right. So what do I do? What do I do? Yeah, so what, what? What did you do? Nothing, because this is what's funny is is so I sat down with master mining, with some group people, and, sorry, and nobody said, well, here's what you do, right?

Matt Williams:

Nobody said this is what you do. Yeah, they all were like well, have you considered this? Yeah, what about this? What about that? Hey, I've done this and this happened.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, the best advice I got was from is actually multiple people in the group that told me well, if you, can you Adapt your prices, like uber does. Mm-hmm, can you have surge pricing? Yeah, so, you know, when you're headed downtown to the bar at like 7 or 8, 9 pm, the price is one thing, but at 1 am it's significantly higher, right, and you're paying it, you know, and so it's surge pricing. And so I was like, oh, I see, it's like, yeah, when your calendar backs up, can you have like an automatic uptick of yet like 10% or something, you know.

Matt Williams:

At a certain I was like, well, that's a brilliant idea. And so we haven't done that yet. We've been kind of looking at it, okay, and so, as we were trying to formulate the structure to maybe do something like that. Guess what? The business flowed back down enough to where I was like oh yeah, guess what? It was a momentary spike, yep. And I didn't make a permanent decision. Yep, based on a momentary spike because I had great wisdom from the master mining and the conversation Like stopped me from hiring somebody or raising my prices too soon, or, and then creating a formula. Now I'm building a formula for maybe next time this happens.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yep Is there a way that?

Matt Williams:

I'm prepared. I know kind of maybe, what to do next time.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, and then you can set parameters. Like you know, if it continues for so many weeks, uh-huh, then I know it's not a trend. But but what I love, one of the things that you said I don't paraphrase a little bit yeah, yeah you. You said I Presented a problem, mm-hmm, that I would have normally been very reactionary to uh-huh and Because I presented it to a group of people, I created a model Instead of reacting. Yep, yeah exactly right.

Brandon Paternoster:

So, like it's human nature, man, and and it's entrepreneur syndrome, right Like, you see the bright, shiny object and you go for it, right, yeah, and so often and I'm guilty of this too, like you know I have to remind myself to take a breath. Right, yeah, is this a? Is this a real problem right now, or am I reacting because it triggered an emotion of you know, in this case, fear? Right, like, what do I? I don't want to hurt anybody. Mm-hmm I don't want to lose business.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah right like. So what? What do I need to do? Um, and you were able to find a group of like-minded individuals, mm-hmm, that had some experience. That's always a benefit, yep. And and you got through it and now you have a model, or you're developing a model. Yeah, so that next time that happens, this is just an automatic trigger.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, and that right.

Brandon Paternoster:

There is the definition of coaching.

Matt Williams:

Yes, that's it right there. Yep, that it was it was. It was beautiful for me. I was like, oh my gosh, I, I didn't just react to it. Yeah, absolutely. That's amazing. You know, what's interesting is the people who I was talking to, some of those companies and business owners Were significantly larger than me. Yeah you know, way like way bigger than me. Yeah, like 10x my size of company, you know yeah.

Matt Williams:

And, and some of them were actually smaller than me and they were in, they had a smaller business, but ultimately I got great wisdom out of companies that were both bigger and smaller and from people that I'm like. You know, there's some people like, wow, I'm always learning lots from this person. And then there were sometimes you're like I've never even heard from this person, they've never even shared anything, yep, and they're a much smaller company than me, but they actually had incredible wisdom. Mm-hmm, I think it's funny how, as a business owner, I think there's a temptation of like. Well, if you're not like a lot bigger than me, is your vice really any good?

Brandon Paternoster:

Dude, we get rid of book, right, yeah, and you know so. And it's funny because you know, and we talk about this in IEB right, we say be in the room, right, like, you want to be in the room with the biggest companies, you want to be in the room with the trendsetters, right, like. I mean, a hundred times this week I've said I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm thankful I'm gonna be in the room, yeah, right, yeah so what?

Brandon Paternoster:

What's unique there, though, is we tend to migrate towards the people that we feel mm-hmm have accomplished the goal that we're after.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yes, right and like. So you, you create this hierarchy and the way you view people, okay, and you, what? You, the human, the human side of it is like you're always trying to be better, right, mm-hmm, even in like, instinctively, like, for people that aren't necessarily like extremely motivated, or someone that's like never gonna hire a coach. Right, like you're. All you're really doing is looking at somebody else's life in a broad example and you're saying how can I, where do I rate compared to what I'm witnessing, mm-hmm, and how can I do it better? Right, and this, yeah, I can go super deep. I'm not going to, but you can even do this for like things that we would consider unhealthy or Not, moving the bar right, like you, can you? You can have a hierarchy when it actually does a lot of negative things in your life, mm-hmm, or it takes you down a path that isn't what's healthy or great for you, right? So when you get in a room of motivated people, we have a tendency to To look for the smartest person in the room and try to glean everything. We can't.

Brandon Paternoster:

The fact of the matter, though, is life Happens to everybody. It does right, yep, right, you don't have to be a millionaire to face a gigantic mountain. Right, right, right, right like, you can be dirt broke, poor and have a tragic event happen in your life that will teach you stuff that millionaires have never had to go through. Correct. And then, when they're faced with that challenge, they asked for people, they asked for advice from people that have gone through that Experience. Right, they're not saying, hey, you know who, who all of a sudden was diagnosed with cancer, but you had a net worth of 15 million or more. Right like, that's all they do.

Brandon Paternoster:

No, Well who has cancer? Right like who's beat it exactly. Yeah, how did you do it? It doesn't matter? Like all of a sudden, yep numbers don't matter or a whole lot, right, no? So that's one of the beautiful things about mastermind right, like no. And we try to like, group Similar companies together. But we also offer a lot of opportunity. In fact, weekly we offer opportunity for companies to come, of all sizes, to come together.

Matt Williams:

Yes, yeah, so there are. You're right, absolutely, I jump on. I've been on calls were with a similar size company to mine, yeah, and then I've been on calls where everybody's there up and down, yeah, and and I get something out of all those calls all the time and people contributing all the time, yeah. Now the specific is, the conversations are a little bit different, like when it's my size, a company type type calls. There are very specific things we're talking about that you know.

Matt Williams:

If, if you have like a 15 million dollar inspection company that's operating in four different states, I don't have that, right, I've got a much smaller company operating in one city, right, you know? Right, I don't have to deal with the issues of how do you, how do you replicate culture across state lines? Right, that that conversation is never, it doesn't happen in my office, right? So how do you replicate culture across state lines? I'm like, oh, that's kind of fascinating, but like I don't. Let's not my conversation. Yeah, really, it applies to me exactly, so I don't need to be in that conversation. And but the people who are doing the state line thing and growing that massive, that's a great conversation for them, because they're literally in the throws of that exactly, you know, and whereas you get to a smaller group than me, there the conversation is like man, how do I get out of the field? Yeah, like I'm in addicts and crawl spaces and I'd like to back out of that and get a little bit more Business owner rather than business doer.

Matt Williams:

Yeah you know, and, and that conversation was very applicable to me a couple years ago. But now that I'm out of the field, the conversation is like well, how do I? You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, and so you know, for the guys that have multi-state massive organizations, how do I get out of the field? Some of those people have never been in the field. They've always just owned a larger company, for whatever reason, and and so, like that conversation, they're like well, I mean, I feel for you, but I don't know. You know, I did that 10 years ago, 15 years ago, and yeah, they're not in the battle with you at the moment.

Matt Williams:

And yeah, and so I love the fact that we do both. Where you break it into the groups that are similar sized, dealing with similar issues, yep, and you also have access to Everybody. Yeah, and those everybody calls me on, I tell you, I love how it's like hey, I'm a one-man operation Contributing to a call into a conversation that somebody else who has like a four-state operation, yeah, we're all contributing to the same conversation. And it's not like, well, you're much smaller than me, so your opinion doesn't matter. That is never the case inside of IEB. I love how everybody's opinion and everybody's perspective on those calls is valued. Yeah, I love that.

Brandon Paternoster:

Well, and and what I? What I really love about that mad is so, you, you, you get in a room with an owner that has it, that has a gigantic company, right, right, and then you know, you have, you have somebody that has a very small company, and they ask a question to that owner and that owner says you know what? I don't, I'm not the best person to ask. Here's somebody in my organization, though that is the best person to ask. Yeah, like that. That is what we're like, that's what we're created to do. Yeah, like, make an impact on people's lives.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

And uh, and point them to who they need to talk to. And, uh, I think that that's what makes IEB special and that's what makes it different is, the heart behind everybody in this community is to give back, and no one's negative, no one's bashing anybody, no one's, no one's being left out to dry, intentionally, you know, and and and you know, sometimes the ball gets dropped and people forget to follow up, like no one's perfect, uh, but what intention matters? It does, and the intention is always to connect people with the resource or lead them down a path to where they can find the answer to the question that they're asking. And as IEB continues to adapt, as the market continues to change, you know, we're working on ways to connect deeper with people, and no matter where they're at, because the fact of the matter is, is there's only so many gigantic cities in the United States, right? There's only so many places that you have an opportunity to build a multimillion dollar home inspection company, right, right?

Matt Williams:

Well, your inspection company, um, what, what size, what city, what city and what's the size of your market?

Brandon Paternoster:

We're, we're in much of Detroit, Okay, um, and when you look at like the geographic, like the, the biggest area of Metro Detroit, uh, I think, that they call it the CSA or the MSA, I can't remember which one's which, but there's like 5.9 million people.

Matt Williams:

So, I'm.

Brandon Paternoster:

we're in a big market, yeah.

Matt Williams:

So there's potential, like yeah, that's a big, that is a big market.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, and then, like you know, detroit is so believe it or not, a lot of people don't realize is Michigan, indiana and Ohio constitute like 28 million people. Wow, yeah. Like we're in a huge market Uh you know.

Matt Williams:

So we and those are all connected close enough that you can be one market that you serve.

Brandon Paternoster:

Dude, like I mean I can get to, like I think Indianapolis is probably like the farthest city away and it's like four hours, Okay, yeah. So I mean it's so if you're from Michigan and like so funny thing about Michigan, you know everyone has, like you know, Michigan you can make the shape of by looking at your hand, right, so like the whole northern part of Michigan is like just beautiful country. So it's really common in Michigan for people to go up north for the weekend. That's what we call it up north, yeah, and so, like my pair, I was blessed to be raised by some some really awesome people and my parents provided us, when I was in like middle school, with a cottage up north. Like it was awesome.

Matt Williams:

I feel like a little family vacation spot that family could all use. Yeah, that's awesome.

Brandon Paternoster:

We are constantly going up north, um, and you know my mom worked in the in the for the school system. My dad was a fireman. They had their schedules lined up pretty well with mine and my sisters and you know we were able to go up north a lot, and so it's funny because it was like a three and a half hour trip, right.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

So I've lived, I've been blessed to live in multiple states and you know it's funny. People were like man, it's so far away and I'm like well how far? And they're like oh man, it's like 20 minutes and I'm like 20 minutes.

Matt Williams:

I'm glad to get to work, right, yeah.

Brandon Paternoster:

Like, come on, man, I can't even go to the corner store 20 minutes with city traffic. So, uh, so so anyways, um, you know, when I look at, when I look at our market, for example, and something's, you know another city is three and a half hours away. I'm like, yeah, I can drive there, get what I need to get done and drive home all in the same day. Wow, yeah. Well, again, the mindset in Michigan is a little bit different.

Matt Williams:

So I live in Albuquerque, new Mexico. So the entire the geographically New Mexico is like the fourth or fifth largest state Geographically.

Brandon Paternoster:


Matt Williams:

Yeah, it's physically large, um, but there's only 2 million people in the entire state, oh wow. And in Albuquerque, which is the biggest city in the state, it's around the metro of Albuquerque metro area is about 750,000 people and the next city is about 300,000 people. Um and uh, and that one is like three hours south.

Brandon Paternoster:


Matt Williams:

And so, um, and then if you want to go anywhere else, it's like well, you can drive eight hours to the west and get to Phoenix, six hours to the north and get to Denver, or you can drive to the you know, to the east and get to well, there's Amarillo, but that's, that's uh, maybe three or four hours that way, and Amarillo is kind of a smaller market. But the next like big market is like Dallas. Wow, you know, maybe Austin, austin, dallas kind of, in that you know area and so so. And so I'm in a spot where I'm like a little like, I'm like a smaller city, smaller mid-sized city In an island of a desert around me. So to expand outside of my market to the next city, it's crossing state lines, basically.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, and that's an effort, that is an effort. So you're it's like a, it's a big operation. If you're like it can't just be, like, well, I'm going to send a crew over to Phoenix for the weekend, like for a day.

Brandon Paternoster:

Like that ain't, it's not happening.

Matt Williams:

You can't just do that and that's just. You know the way it works. And so then it's and you're crossing state lines. So you have a lot of state issues you got to deal with Exactly yeah and and and and licensing, and things like that.

Matt Williams:

All that stuff goes into place. So, so in a market like my size, it's like okay, so I'm in a smaller market and and, and there's advantages to that and there's disadvantages to that. Yep, and being in a large market, there's advantages and disadvantages to that. Yeah, like we're doing the same business, but we have to do.

Brandon Paternoster:

We have to do things differently, right, right, yeah. And then you have drive times and things like that. You have to figure is part of that, right, yeah. So so one of the things that we're doing to kind of get in front of that and realizing that the majority of companies won't unless they they sit banned to multi-states and they have expansion directors and things like that, yeah, they're not going to get to that $10 million company, right, right, because geographically they they can't. Right, like I'm not.

Matt Williams:

I know I'm not Right and that's not in my, that's also not in my radar, right, I don't, I'm not looking for that. I don't want that Exactly, you know. Yeah, that's. That's an interesting thing too within IAB is that I think there's some people that can think well, I joined these groups and I'm always going to feel like I'm not enough and not good enough and and that's not the case Like I'm really happy with the size of company that I'm at yeah, I'm doing 25 to 28% of the market.

Matt Williams:

That's amazing. I'm the biggest company in the state and and so you know it's what I love about it is like I've hit this efficiency level. Now inside of my company, things are just cranking Right and and the heat's turned up and and it's and and so. But my marketing strategy is different than other places because it's a small enough community of people. Yeah, it's big enough you can grow a company in, but it's small enough that everybody kind of knows who you are. Yeah, it's kind of like a good sweet spot. It is a good sweet spot, I love it. But like I just go to events and people are like, oh, that's, that's Matt.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, they all know who I am. I know who's Matt.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, I walk around. We're all high-fiving and it's a great time and and you can't do that in Michigan, where you're at 28 million people within this, this certain circumference, you can't. Just you don't walk around and everybody in the real estate community is like, oh, that's Brandon.

Brandon Paternoster:

So it's, it's funny, our, our, our business is really concentrated to one area, and and, and we're doing very well, you know, and we're, we're one of the biggest in our market, and it's funny because we go 20 minutes away and no one knows who we are.

Matt Williams:

You know because because it's so big, and so you really, you are really hyper focused on a certain area of your market. Dude, I mean that's, that's fascinating to me, because I don't have, I don't think about that, right.

Brandon Paternoster:

So it's funny because, like when I talked to even other people, like in different parts of Michigan, they're in like 10 plus counties and we're really in like one and a half. So you know, so it's a completely different mindset. But one of the things that we did about two it started probably two and a half years ago is we we really took our foot off of the pedal the gas pedal on growth and and really started to correct some foundational items.

Matt Williams:

Got it yeah.

Brandon Paternoster:

And we right sized our team, we got the right people on the team and and and and. That was done with intentionality so that we could quickly throw up walls. And that's kind of what we're doing now. We're working on that expansion project now.

Brandon Paternoster:

But but to bring this conversation full circle, you know, when I look at the coaching side of IEB and what we're offering with the mindset of I also own a home inspection company as a member in IEB what if I did? What if my wife and I get to a point next year where we're like the business is where we want it to be and we're going to, we're going to move into a retention mode? Right, we're going to keep what we have, but we're going to stop growing? Well then, what? Right? Like yeah. So one of the things that we've been exploring in IEB is is what does it look like to keep people engaged and moving forward when they, when they get happy with where they are in their inspection business, right? So one of the conversations that we have is like what other methods are you doing to make money or to provide a future? Right?

Brandon Paternoster:

So, like, once a month, we have that Thursday night fire call where Wally talks about you know, how to how to build future income, how to build passive income for the future, whether that's investing in the stock market or investing in real estate, or, like you know, I'm a dad right, I've got three young kids, I've got a beautiful wife and I would like to keep my family right. I would like that's a good thing to keep to be a better dad right.

Brandon Paternoster:

So what would it look like if? If we had like a pod come together and it was like a Fitfather Club, right, that's cool. You know we what? If we had like just like a 12 week pod that met right and it was led by somebody in the community that had a passion for being a really fit dad, yeah, right, and then I could jump in on that 12 week pod, learn some valuable life lessons, connect deeper. And then I was like, well, the next 12 weeks I'm going to learn about buying short term rentals.

Brandon Paternoster:

And then somebody from the community that has experienced. So now it's not necessarily about building my home inspection company, right. Right, it's building the life you want. It's building the life that I want, and that's a that's a staple within IBK, and I think that's a good thing to do, and I think that's a good thing to do, and I think that's a good thing to do, and I think that's a good thing to do and that's a staple within IBK.

Matt Williams:

It's like let's build the life that we want. Yeah and um yeah, and that doesn't necessarily mean the biggest this or that, no, right.

Brandon Paternoster:

So we, we talk about it a lot in IB, right? Like we talk about growing, we talk about hiring, we talk about, you know, market share in in in all of that, like we, and we talk about it a lot, yeah, but it always starts with a mindset conversation. I'm getting clear about what you want, right? Yeah, so you know, I would say you can't. You can't maintain your market if you don't know what your market share is, right, you can't maintain your market if you don't know what your profitability numbers are, or your break even point, or how much it costs to have an inspector, right? Yeah? So if you're cool at Whatever size company, you know some people are gonna be happy with just being a one-man shot. The rest, you know.

Matt Williams:

And there's nothing wrong with that? Not at all, because is your business doing for you what you want it to do for you? And if and if it's doing it like if that's doing it for you, yep, there is nothing wrong with that.

Brandon Paternoster:

You've accomplished the goal, absolutely. Let's help you maintain it yeah, and let's make you a better person along the way yeah, absolutely and that's master mining and that's at the heart. That's what coaching is.

Matt Williams:

I love that man. That is so good. So I have a. So I have a question for you, because I've never, I've, I've never been considered a coach, necessarily and in any sort of official capacity. Okay and so. So what's it like on the other side, as the person that is the official, you're like your role in this organization. There's multiple coaches, yeah, and so you're one of the coaches on the team, yep, what's it like being a coach? When someone's bringing up topics, setting up the guardrails for a conversation? What are the things that you're looking for and are you tempted just to be like? This is how you fix it.

Brandon Paternoster:

Oh, so often, Cause I would probably be the whole time. Like, well, this is what you need to do, well, and like, even in our business, right, like that's my role on the fixer.

Matt Williams:

Ah, okay.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, Like and I mean that's my background, um, you know, is going into, uh, situations that need to be corrected and uh, I do a really good job at that. Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily help an individual, right? So it's one thing in your business to go in and fix a problem, Right?

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

But it's the teacher man to fish thing. Right, yeah, if you're just giving them the fish.

Matt Williams:

I'm just giving them to you. The fish are always coming back to you for a back right.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, if you teach them how to do it right now and now I'm the problem right, because I haven't led you to success. So it's very difficult to just not yell it from the rooftops, um, but when you so, I I, a couple of years ago, realized that I wanted to move my life more into a coaching lane. And I went in that and I went to school, I got certified to be a coach. So you know, I was given a lot of tools to help combat the desire Mm, hmm, um, but it's, it's something I struggle with. Um, but if you come from a place of curiosity, it's really easy to not want to solve the problem. Um, when you lead, when you lead the conversation through curiosity and you get down to the real thing about the problem, what I've learned is usually, when someone's complaining or struggling, the topic that they choose to bring to the table has nothing to do with the, with really what's going on.

Matt Williams:

Oh, interesting yeah.

Brandon Paternoster:

It's, it's. It's something sparks in that challenge, that um, where the person feels like, oh, this is the problem, like it, it, it. It creates a feeling and then the human nature part kicks in and it becomes about that issue. But it's not about that issue. It's about the feeling that sparked it becoming an issue. Right.

Matt Williams:

So it's. It's like having the light come on in your car dashboard and and you think the problem is that light, but that's not the real problem. The real problem is actually something else going on under the hood, exactly. But you're like I have this light on my dash and like I need to make sure, like this light, this light, this light, yeah, but really it's like, well, the light is only like the indicator of a deeper thing. Yes, the problem is is a symptom. So people will see symptoms and they'll be like need to fix the symptom.

Brandon Paternoster:


Matt Williams:

And and and. So, as a coach, you're looking for the root Right.

Brandon Paternoster:

So that's good. The funny dynamic here right Is like people get a symptom right. So what do you do? You go take medicine, right I?

Matt Williams:

got a headache, I'm going to take some Advil Right.

Brandon Paternoster:

Right. So the Advil doesn't stop the headache, it doesn't fix what gave you like you're dehydrated, right, and you get a attention headache because you're dehydrated and you take that Advil.

Matt Williams:

It doesn't rehydrate you, no, right.

Brandon Paternoster:

It just gets rid of the pain.

Matt Williams:

So people, I think man that's good.

Brandon Paternoster:

Unknowingly, people approach coaching and they think give me the pill to alleviate the symptom. But here's what I know to be true If we don't get you hydrated, you're going to have a headache tomorrow and the next day and the next day, and then your body's going to get used to that Advil and you're going to have to take more Advil.

Matt Williams:

Wow, and then eventually, it's just not going to work.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, so when I remember that and and like I get coached right, like I have a headache, I have a coach that I work through this right and so so, but when I, when I work through that and I remember it, what I'm actually supposed to be doing as a coach is making a generational change. And then, when I approach it, when I, when I, when, when, when that's ingrained into my DNA as a coach, I don't want to give you the answer. I want you to get to a place where you can fix the root problem, or you can identify it and find it.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, so you just ask questions that gets people talking about. So, so good coaching is like asking good questions.

Brandon Paternoster:

Good, yeah, I hit the nail on it. Yep, you killed it right there. That's, that's fascinating. Yeah, so you know. So it's always a challenge because you have to, you have to trust the process. Yeah, so we're rolling out a one-on-one coaching model and IB and we're intentionally making it a three-month commitment. I think that's really good. Yeah, Because you have to trust the process. It takes. You have to one, you have to get into a relationship with your coach, right? Yep, you, hopefully you leave that first meeting really encouraged, but you might not. You may leave that meeting feeling like man, I'm going to have a lot, of, a lot of work to do and this is going to suck. Yeah, and it might. I mean the first coach that I hired. He probably it probably took a year for me to break through the ceiling.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, and, and that was in a really bad spot. You know, um, the first time I talked to him I told him everything that was going on. I mean, I just unloaded right and of course you know it was pent up.

Brandon Paternoster:

I probably should have called him a year and a half before I did, you know, so I unloaded on this poor guy and at the end of it I realized that I probably sounded like a psychopath and I was like I don't know if I need a coach or if I need a counselor, but I'm a therapist, Right, yeah, Like you know, now that you know who I am, really, I hope that you still want to be my friend. But you know, can you help me or do I need a therapist? And he was like you're at a ceiling, You're not surrounding yourself with the right people and that's exactly why you are where you are.

Brandon Paternoster:

It's going to take a lot of hard work and you're not going to like me sometimes, but I'm ready to help if, if you're ready to get help. Wow, and there's this history.

Matt Williams:

You know, what I like about getting coaching is is that, like I'm in the driver's seat of this car and I'm looking at the dash lights and I'm not getting under the hood, because that's a different perspective. Man Right, like you, you're not going to be able to get a driver's seat, you, you, you walk up to a fresh perspective. As a coach. You probably walk up to something Like I've been battling this thing and I've hit it from five different angles and it's I'm not fixing it and and it's like I'm getting stuck here. I'm getting stuck here and I'm getting stuck here. And you walk up as a coach and you probably see it with fresh set of eyes and and with some, of course, some education and some training to kind of be able to look at it from the right perspective. But I imagine as a coach, you probably see the issues a little more clear than the person that's facing the issues, only because the guy that's facing the issue like when I'm facing the issue, I can't see it clearly because I'm so close to it.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, you're, you're in the middle of it.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, and this is. There's just trees everywhere and I can't figure out which way to go and you're like, oh no, just head north, you know dude.

Brandon Paternoster:

Every problem you face, every challenge you have, every issue in your life has one root common denominator, and it's you.

Matt Williams:

Yes, right, yeah, for sure. Like I'm the, I'm the cause of my problems.

Brandon Paternoster:

Dude, I, I, I love to spend money. I love to create experiences for people. You know, like I, just I love to spend money. So I know, a couple of years ago, man, like right at the start of COVID, we were young and the current market we're in, and you know, I was like man, I'm starting to realize that, like, this money thing's always been an issue in my life. Yeah, I remember when I got my first paycheck and I'm like it was $100. And I was like, dude, this is so much money.

Matt Williams:

And I went.

Brandon Paternoster:

I went to Best Buy and about a $90 radio for my car and I had $10 to live on, you know, for a week, right, and I was like how did this happen? So I always laugh at when I think about that. But you know, here I was, I don't know, 25 years later, still doing the same thing, essentially right. And I'm like man like maybe, maybe I'm the, maybe I'm the problem Problem. Yeah Right, Maybe I don't know.

Brandon Paternoster:

So the cool thing about about a coach, right is, if you come to me and you say, brandon, I would like some financial coaching, I'm going to ask you your story and you're going to tell me, yeah, hey, I'm the company nominator here, but that doesn't really have a whole lot of bearing on my life, does it? Right, like, if you, if you continue to spend money that doesn't it's not my money, right, it doesn't affect you, right? So I have a much different perspective. Right, I have someone that's saying I have this thing in my life that I wish I could improve on. I have a goal that I want to work towards and I need you to hold me accountable and help me do that. So then it makes it very easy for the coach to know what we're doing, right, like? So you, the coach is the GPS, the coach is the GPS and you're the one typing in the address.

Matt Williams:

And, and then driving the car Right.

Brandon Paternoster:

So when I get on that coaching call and you're like, dude, I just bought a new car, it's awesome. And I'm like how does that serve your goal? Tell me how buying that new car serves your goal. To whatever you know, to be financially free, yeah. And then you're like it doesn't bite against my goal.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

And I'm like mm-hmm. So now, what do you think about that new car? Right yeah, you just ruined it for me, exactly. Right, you know, but that's, but that's why you pay me Exactly, right, yep, so, yeah, yeah, so that's so. That's coaching in a nutshell.

Matt Williams:

So what do you so as a, as a coach, what's probably the most fulfilling part Like? What's the part that like is most fulfilling for you on that side of the table?

Brandon Paternoster:

All right. So you're asking my why? Essentially Okay, and the fact of the matter is is a couple of years ago, I took a really hard, late look at my life and started to think about legacy right Like. I'm not going to live forever.

Matt Williams:

And none of us get out of here alive. Exactly yeah.

Brandon Paternoster:

And you can't take anything with you, nope. So what kind of legacy can I have? What kind of impact? Right, and and, yes, like there's the family out, like I said, I've got three kids, I've got a wife, I've got a business, right, like there's all those things. But how can I do it at a bigger level, how can I affect more people? And I believe in generational curses, right, I believe the sins of the father gets passed down to the son. You know? For, yeah, absolutely.

Matt Williams:

Explain what it's like for a person. Well, yeah, you have like your grandfather was an alcoholic, your dad's an alcoholic, and then guess what? I think you're going to battle that harder than maybe others. Exactly, you know, it doesn't mean you're destined to be an alcoholic, but I think you're you. There's a weak spot in you because of the generational stuff, right? Exactly.

Brandon Paternoster:

Right. So what I realized my mission was is I want to change generations Like I want to end the generational curse in someone's life yeah, so that their children never even knew it was a thing.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

So I always say it like this like one day I want somebody that should should statistically be in jail or addicted to drugs or alcohol, right, and I want to interact with that individual in such an impactful way that it changes the generation behind him. Wow, and one day, like my goal, and I won't be alive to see this. But one day I want, like someone's, like great great grandson, that should have been in jail statistically to be the president of the United States because his great great grandfather had to run in with Brandon Badernester. One day.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

Like that's my mission. I want to change generations, and when I looked at the best way to do that, it was coaching.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, that's changing the world, and it may be it's not the all, the entire old, but it's somebody's world. It's somebody's world. Yeah, and, and you're right, you're breaking generational patterns and curses that have been Existing, and and and we all have them in our families. Yeah, every family tree has. You can look back oh, I've got them, you've got them, everybody has them. But if you're able to help people get free from some of that, yeah, yeah, you're changing generations, man, that's yeah, that's, that's cool, and and like, let's be serious, that generational a lot curse is a lie, that's all it is.

Brandon Paternoster:

Well, I mean, whatever you believe, I believe it's intact from the enemy, but you know, you can call it karma or you can call it whatever you want. It's a lie. Mm-hmm. That says based on things that you can't control or couldn't control because you weren't even alive yet. Right, this you're pre-dusting to this, this life, and the fact of the matter is it's complete crap. It is yeah, yeah.

Matt Williams:

It's a yeah, like my family, might not. Yeah, you can just be like well, my family, not nobody, my family's ever graduate college Mm-hmm, so that's just. Well, that's my family, that's what we do. We're gonna live in poverty. Yeah, that's my family, that's what we're gonna do. That's just how it works. I mean, you know and it's like well, if you accept it, it's that's what's gonna happen, exactly and I'm not saying it's easy, oh no, no, it's not easy.

Brandon Paternoster:

You're gonna have to put in some work.

Matt Williams:

It is can take some work to overcome that right and I promise you will want to quit. Yeah, well, I think every but every family's got those things, whatever it might be. And and it takes somebody that's gonna break the chain and say, okay, I'm not gonna, yeah, I'm gonna difference, and it's hard to do so hard to do, so hard to do yeah and and and it's it's really hard, but but why not you right now? You exactly other people to have done it.

Brandon Paternoster:

Why not you do? I was like in my early 20s and there was a social media thing I don't remember what it was called, but I liked it a deep dive into, like having your cake and eating it, and eating it too.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

And who says you can't do that? I don't know if you're gonna make the cake, why shouldn't you be able to eat it?

Matt Williams:

Yeah, I want to eat it, right? So, like the fat boy means give me a much cake as you want.

Brandon Paternoster:

Give me all the cake, I want it all right but like but why can't you have that nice car? Why can't you build a life that Because?

Matt Williams:

my, I can't have that nice car cuz my coach just told me that it doesn't serve my financial freedom goals. But I'm teasing. But what if it does right like rich?

Brandon Paternoster:

dad board that talks about like you want a Mercedes, sweet yeah, fine, find an investment that pays for the Mercedes, yep.

Matt Williams:

Absolutely deal.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, yeah.

Matt Williams:

I'm been currently trying to buy a new truck actually, so good luck. Yeah, I know there is crazy out there, yeah, so the car market's nuts. But I'm currently like I want a new truck and yeah, and I and I and I can, I have the financial freedom to do that. Yeah, and and but. But yeah, like it's the same thing. It's like, well, if you're spending $90 of your hundred dollar paycheck, right?

Matt Williams:

It's like well, there's an intelligent way to buy that truck there is and and it's not, and right, it's not a problem, and if it's over 6,000 pounds at section 170 tax write off, come on somebody.

Matt Williams:

Yes, sir, yes sir, yeah, so it's you know, so you, there's certain, like you know, advantages to that kind of stuff, but but that's a bit that comes to business right off and is that you know? But I can afford it and it's the way it works and right, and you're good, right. But yeah, if you're making all your paycheck just to live, basics and right, right.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, right, and and so that's that's where our coach is gonna say hey, how does this serve you right? Does it, does it? Is this really your goal? Right? And that's another thing like sometimes people come to us with a goal and we realize that's not the goal that they really want to be working towards.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, it's, it was somebody else's goal or they heard it from stage at Unite and they're like this is what I want to do. And then we do a deep dive and realize that that's not actually what they wanted To do. Did I'm so?

Matt Williams:

guilty of that, that, like I've my last, the last 12 to well. There's a several year process in my life Realizing that I was looking to the right and the left of me to figure out how do I measure up. Mm-hmm and I was looking to other people and comparing myself to them to determine like am I good enough, have I accomplished enough, am I valuable enough? And there was a process over the last few years in my life where I had to realize to hold on a minute.

Brandon Paternoster:


Matt Williams:

I am good enough, I am where I want to be in life and my sense of satisfaction in life, um well, I was looking at other people to figure out Okay, am I good enough? Am I? Am I am I okay? Yeah, am I okay? Right, and I'm like looking over here and I see people that are bigger companies than me and I'm like I'm not okay, yeah.

Matt Williams:

And then I looked at the other side and people smaller companies means like, oh, I'm super okay right and then somebody who's a better husband or a better this or better that, or they're in better physical shape or they, whatever, like, whatever your thing is, and you start looking and I realized looking to the right and to the left, I was in this comparison trap.

Matt Williams:

Yeah where I was like comparing myself to other people in every angle possible and I was never okay and I was never enough, because I I saw that in other people like, so that person's more fit than me, this person has more money than me, that person has a better, happier home life than me, or whatever. Insert whatever and you can always find somebody. And I found my myself self of satisfaction, happiness being dictated by what I thought other people were like. I was comparing myself, yeah, and it was through the process of essentially some coaching that I realized that the problem was inside of me, yep, and and like I was chasing other people's goals yeah, fitness goals, financial goals, family goals, yeah, and I realized those aren't even my goals, right, and I'm chasing other people stuff. Yeah, I was like, whoa, like that hit me so hard and so, you're right, I comb into the coaching and it's like I think these are my goals, mm-hmm. But a good coach will be like is it, is it?

Brandon Paternoster:

like what do you worry, or is that someone else's goal?

Matt Williams:

Are you just trying to compare yourself to somebody else to feel better about?

Brandon Paternoster:

you exactly, and once you realize, I'm gonna tell you secret. Okay, I love secrets, I won't tell anybody. Okay, you're the problem, I know Right, yep, and there's so much frickin freedom in that. Yeah, there really is like if you just realize that you are the problem mm-hmm the problem start to go away. Yeah, they do right and but. But part of acknowledging that and helping those problem go, problems go away, is being surrounded, surrounding yourself with the right kind of people yeah and and part of that is is a coach.

Brandon Paternoster:

I mean, I don't I don't know how people live without coach, but I never want to go without having one right, like you go to the chiropractor ever. I do. So I love the chiropractor. Okay, and I know that if I go once a month and get adjusted, I don't have problems. Oh Right, Like if I get adjusted once a month on a regular basis and I do my stretches and I do my, you know I work out I don't injure, I don't create new injuries, right, but yeah, that maintenance right.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, it's the maintenance right, so why don't we do that in other areas of our life?

Matt Williams:

Have someone just like hey, pop this back into place for us.

Brandon Paternoster:

Right Like get a coach, get adjusted and get ahead of the problem.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, and it doesn't have to be intense one-on-one coaching. No, you know, we like joining a mastermind group, like like IEB, and if it's not IEB, find one, get a mastermind group and get on calls with people. Conversations happen there that you're like. I walk away from so many conversations and I didn't even like say anything. They were all talking. I was just consuming and listening Other people talk about something. I walk away like deeply thinking about whoa, yeah, like that's where I'm at. I really need to make some adjustments there.

Brandon Paternoster:

Dude. We started asking people for testimonials from previous Unites as a way to get people amped up and excited for this Unite, and I fully expected. Like you know, this person gave this presentation that changed my game. You know, somebody gave me this tool that you know I implemented and you know, or I met with this sponsor and I started using their product and you know, my life is so much easier now. Zero of that, wow Zero. Every single comment we received back had to do with a conversation, either one-on-one or in a small group outside of a session.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, I get great stuff from sessions, but the real life changing stuff happens in hallways.

Brandon Paternoster:


Matt Williams:

Dude, it's circles versus rows. I actually made an episode about this, did you? Yeah, earlier this year, in 23,. I think it dropped in February, I think of 2023. I think we'll check it out and it's called circles versus rows. It's just me solo content, and I just talked about the power of a circle versus the power of the row, because in the rows people don't know. You don't know in a row, because when you're in the rows, you can put on the face and how's life? Business is good, brother, I'm loving it, everything's great and you're like there's hundreds of people and you're sitting in rows and there's one person on the stage communicating and you're receiving and that's all there is to it, and you can find great inspiration there that can eventually lead to transformation. But I think great transformation happens in the circles.

Matt Williams:

I would say kitchen tables, hallway conversations, these like the resort that we're at. Every one of them has this, but the resort we're at there's little like couches and chairs, like little circle pod things and like people having those conversations. In a circle that we're both. People are talking, multiple talking and sharing and back and forth. Those are some of the most life changing moments in my life. As I look back, I've had some big ones in big meetings, but I tell you what consistently it's so small one, so circles that change. You have to put yourself in an environment where you had intentionally put yourself in a circle, because you have to do it. Nobody's going to put you in a circle.

Brandon Paternoster:

So why ends up happening? You're in that main session and something sparks and then you're excited. But because you're around high level people and I mean that if you attend one of these conferences and you engage in that conference, you're operating at a much higher level than the average person is. So you're at this event and this thing sparks. And it may not even seem like it has anything to do with what was that on stage, but something sparks in you and you go out and you find people that you know can help. Yeah, so you just had a coaching session and didn't even realize that that's what you were doing.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:


Matt Williams:

Yeah, and that's the beauty of this community, I know it just organically happens in this community and it's life changing Every day. Yep, every day, every day, and sometimes it happens in person, like at these conferences. Sometimes it happens in person, not only at the community, but even that.

Brandon Paternoster:

This is difficult because it's right Yep, Be it marketplace or in the community, it's a really good project and you really need to have space and designers around you can really really help you and help you become powerful. That you don't have to take responsibility or mis AT&T from anyone Obviously going healthcare talking to talk broader than what the gentleman is doing, it will almost bring you good use. You don't have to take big steps and it's actually going to bring you better use when you an.

Brandon Paternoster:

FaceBook. I think you don't have to wait for people to actually getenezoluate, I mean it's just massive. Look when who got in that booth.

Matt Williams:

You're now on FaceBook, yep, and then member하게ar twitchco won't wait for more named questions like why do you need registration? Such a powerful?

Brandon Paternoster:

thing yeah.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, wow, man Brandon, thanks for coming on the show. This has been like a really good episode, absolutely, man. I've enjoyed diving deep into the whole idea of what coaching is and what it does, yeah. And even hearing from a coach on like what the other side of the table looks like yeah, that is really insightful. If someone's gonna hold you, what's the best way to do that?

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, so Brandon IEB coaching is my email IEB coaching dot com. Brandon IEB coaching dot com. I'm on social media. I very rarely post, so, brandon, I'm not sure you can look me up, find me, but I'm kind of boring. I use I use social media for the marketplace, to scroll for what people are selling, but then the best way to get in touch with me, especially if you want a quick response, is to text me.

Matt Williams:


Brandon Paternoster:

So 586-915-1234. Say that again 586-915-1234. Okay, so I coach, like I'm on Zoom calls like 25 hours a week. So you know, text me.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, yeah.

Brandon Paternoster:

Yeah, Don't just call yeah and then be patient because you know, sometimes I have four hours of coaching back to back to back.

Matt Williams:

Yeah, yeah, but you will have lives and things going on. Yeah, be respectful. I get that. Yeah, same thing with me. Text me and then I'll text you back.

Brandon Paternoster:

We get a time and we'll talk, yeah, yeah, like yeah, if you want to get me, send me a text message. That's your best odds, and be patient because it may take me a day to respond, but I always respond. Okay, well, that's good to know, I'll always respond Well, man.

Matt Williams:

thank you so much for taking the time to jump on this podcast and do an episode.

Brandon Paternoster:

Absolutely, man. I'm glad that we finally made it happen.

Matt Williams:

I know we were talking about it for a little while. So awesome, we made it happen, awesome.

Brandon Paternoster:

I bet We'll see you later Take care man.


You've been listening to Empire State of Mind. For the home inspection industry and beyond, our passion is to elevate the home inspection industry with mindset, strategy and tools. We hope you've enjoyed the show. Make sure to like, rate and review. For more, follow on Instagram at IEB Coaching and don't forget to hit the website at wwwiebcoachingcom. Learn about IEB at no cost and have all your questions answered on our open call once a month on the third week of the month. We hope to see you there and we'll see you next time on the Empire State of Mind.

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