Empire State of Mind

Cracking the Code: Matt Muscat Discusses the Power of Networking in Real Estate

Matt Williams

Ever wondered what sets top sales professionals apart in the real estate industry? Get ready to glean some wisdom from Matt Muscat, our esteemed guest for the episode and marketing authority from Treadstone Mortgage. Matt brings to the table a well-rounded perspective on creating demand in any kind of market. He shares his adeptness at enhancing business for realtors and gives us a peek into how the best in the business stay ahead by tracking their marketing and sales activities.

Did you know your social media posts could be your ticket to establishing meaningful business connections? We discuss the power of infusing your personal interests into your posts to resonate with potential clients. This episode also peels back the layers on the importance of networking and collaboration within the real estate realm. Hear about my switch from internet marketing to real estate, and how I became a catalyst for teaching realtors about marketing. And just when you thought it couldn't get better, I share the intriguing tale of how a friendly competition led to an unexpected job opportunity. With Matt's invaluable advice and our shared experiences, this episode promises to be an enriching guide for all sales professionals out there.

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Speaker 1:

Today on Empire State of Mind, we have Matt Muscat and we'll be talking about creating demand in any market.

Speaker 2:

We believe the purpose of owning a business is funding your perfect life. Welcome to the next generation of growth and opportunity in the inspection industry. This is the Empire State of Mind. Empire State of Mind Building build companies with faster growth, higher profits and more time freedom. Finally, a podcast for the home inspection industry and beyond. This is the Empire State of Mind and this is your host, matt Williams.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the show. I'm so glad you're here today listening, and today we have a phenomenal guest with us. He is a marketing genius. I hear my friend, matt Muscat. Matt, how are you doing today, man?

Speaker 3:

Doing great. I'm in Michigan. It's not snowing yet, it's not exactly nice, but had a good workout and life's good today.

Speaker 1:

That is fantastic. I'm in Albuquerque, new Mexico, and there's actually this weird wet stuff falling from the sky. I don't know what it's called, but because we live in the desert, so it's like, it's like it's rain, and so, yeah, I know that's not common to you. We get like 300 and something days of sunshine here, so just a little bit of rain and everybody freaks out that I sure what to do, but I can't imagine living in a place where there's that much snow as what you've got.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's not that bad right now Beautiful summers If you fall, terrible winters.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha, gotcha. Well, matt, so I know enough about you to say that you are like a marketing genius when it comes to working with in the real estate industry, and you work specifically in from the mortgage angle of things. Is that correct?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it's kind of a unique role. I don't know anyone that has my career. So I have been with Treadstone Mortgage it's also called Neighborhood Loans in some areas of the country. I've been there for 12 years and my whole role is to make realtors like us. I do some hiring of loan officers, but mainly I help our existing real estate partners get more business and then also help real estate partners that we don't work with yet to get more business. So that's the way they will like us because they're making more money and then use us. So it's been just a really, really fun ride.

Speaker 1:

That is interesting. So because on the inspection side of things or anybody else in the real estate market, if you are a realtor, then obviously this is going to be helpful. But even if you're not in realtor, if you are connected to the real estate market, if you can find a way to help realtors make more money, they're going to like you. I can guarantee you that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I mean I think this works in any industry, right? So like an inspection agency that had a great marketer on their team. Instead of just having your great marketer help you, sign up some of your best clients for one-on-one meetings with them and have your marketer give them free advice and ideas. Like, I'm not building websites for these realtors, I'm not violating any industry rules, we're just giving free advice away and it makes people like us more. It's also like something that I'll be the one to talk. If we host, like a con at or events in the community about marketing, I can do all that stuff. So if you're an inspector or if you're a realtor and you have someone on your team with a marketing skill or a sales skill, set them loose to help your clients, your friends, your business partners. And that's kind of what I've been able to do and it's been a ton of fun.

Speaker 1:

That's really cool man, so obviously you like it. You're very passionate about it. You've been doing it for 12 years. What are some of the big things that you've learned that are maybe misconceptions that other people just don't think about it the way you're thinking about it, because you're having success in this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, one of the big things I'm seeing right now is the market changes fairly often, but it's a really slow change and it can be hard to spot when that pivotal point is. And so I think a lot of people in the last five to 10 years they were successful because they were lucky, they were cute, they were attractive, they were nice, all of those things. If you had two of the three of them, you could do a great job in sales.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, three. I mean, I totally relied on my cuteness to win.

Speaker 3:

That's what I've heard. That's why it attracted me to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's why this is an audio only podcast.

Speaker 3:

You think. Right now, the market we're in is just a little bit more challenging. It's not impossible, though, but what I'm noticing right now is the salespeople who have specific marketing and sales related activities in their calendar, where they can really track their activity. They're the ones still finding success, like there's still a thousand homes selling in every market every month, but what we're seeing is that, like you know, the top 4% of real estate professionals are selling 60% of the homes.

Speaker 3:

Yes that means there's, you know, the bottom, the bottom 95% of realtors and people selling very little. The difference I'm seeing is that the people at the top are creating their own demand.

Speaker 3:

What I think most sales professionals do is wrong. Most sales professionals will call up their sphere of influence. Let's say, like a good sales professional actually has a list of their clients, like a list of contacts. Anyone with a phone and a list can make calls. Most people make a call that's like hey, Matt, it's Matt Culling. You know I'm with the real estate agency. I just wanted to remind you that I'm still in real estate. If you'd ever like to buy or sell something and help me earn a commission, that would be awesome. Just swell, that's what most calls are like in our industry. It sucks, Like, it's not. That's not a good call. I had those. Yeah, like, if you're in the top, you know one to 4% of real estate agents. That's not your pitch.

Speaker 3:

Your pitch is hey, Matt, I just wanted to call you. I know you live at 235,. You know Apple Street. Your neighbor five houses down just listed their house for 585. I know we bought yours for 285 a couple of years ago. I can't believe you're 300 up in value. Did you know that? Like, what's? What's going on, Anything special in your neighborhood right now?

Speaker 3:

And then we go into a conversation. Number one I'm keeping you in. Number one I'm reaching out. Number two I'm keeping you informed. Number three I'm giving you good news. Number four like, I'm now the gatekeeper of information in your neighborhood. You know I'm an expert, but also, like now, when you go to work and when you're in the neighborhood talking to your friends, your family, your neighbors about the market, you're more educated. And when people are like Matt, how do you know that information? Oh, my realtor calls me once a month with any updates. That's marketing. You're being a little bit more suggestive.

Speaker 3:

And then there's step two. Step two is I go on social media once a day and I look at what all my friends and family members are doing. Oh, Matt, looks like you just got a new job. It's at, it's at XYZ company. Dude, super random, my coworker just listed a house like two blocks from that company. It's like the sickest house I've ever seen. Dude, I know you're not looking for a house. I'm going to send it over to you Suggestive. I know that there's a good chance that if you just got a new job, you're going to be looking for a house in the next year or two, and I know that there is in fact, a cool house that just listed. Now I can sex up any house that I want to.

Speaker 3:

I'm just going to choose the one listed closest to your company and then tell you what's cool about it. It's just one more thing, or it could be hey, man, just saw on social media that you had your last kid. That's awesome, congratulations. Really interesting opportunity. We now have this mortgage option where you can buy a home under your kids' names and it could be an investment property for them for the future. I just have to figure out what that pitch is based on the life event that you're going through. But social media is out there with all this free information. A good real estate agent or sales person, an inspector, could do the same thing, can take that information and figure out what is the pitch. What is my opportunity here? And so that's where I really think the opportunity is for most normal salespeople is to go out there and come up with those unique opportunities so that you're not just selling like, oh hey, I'm an inspector, oh hey.

Speaker 1:

I'm a realtor You're different, right, because, yeah, I'm just showing up like, hey, I like to inspect houses. You got any houses for me to inspect? You know like, yeah, sure, you're in line with every other inspector that calls me and you're right. So, on an inspector, help me process this. I'm from an inspector angle. They're going to do that type of approach towards a realtor because, let's be honest, a bulk, a big bulk, of what our business is, we get it from referrals from realtors, and so if an inspector is doing the same thing, what would his angle be?

Speaker 3:

So I mean, in essence it's the same thing. So an inspector could themselves or they could have their admin do this pull up a list of all of your realtors in the list and Excel or in your CRM system with a link to their Facebook or Instagram in somewhere in the CRM. You go through every day and you click on 10 people a day. You look at what they've posted recently and you find a reason to reach out to them other than just hey, do you have any inspections for me? At a certain point in that phone call you start asking them more and more questions. You find out they have a listing coming up. You find out they just got a deal under contract and then you can ask for the sale in a very natural way.

Speaker 3:

But you're calling with something either important or super interesting to that person and then you're using questions and their own responses to help you figure out what your pitch is. Got it? That's pretty cool. It could just be like they post about some new restaurant like hey, dude, I would love to check it out. Would you want to go back if it was that good? You're getting a meeting that way. Then obviously we know the more face-to-face as you get, the more business-oriented.

Speaker 1:

That's so true. One of the biggest realtors that we got in the beginning of our company going was he had a picture of a drone that he had bought and he was flying it around. So I just DMed him on Instagram about his drone and had nothing to do with inspections or real estate or anything, but I DMed him from my business account. Hey, this is Matt, I'm the owner of the company and I'm looking at. You have this drone. Hey, how does this work? Would you like can I come pick your brain about drones or think about adding drones into our inspection process? Sure, so I went down to his office, met with him. He had his drone there. We talked about it.

Speaker 1:

I got the flatter on the parking lot. We had a great time talking about drones. And then, how do we use this and what licensing is required and all that kind of stuff? I knew a bunch of the information already, but he certainly helped me show me some things about drones. Well then, pretty soon he's like well, I got an inspection coming up. You're a pretty cool guy, like it connected that way. So I used that method, actually in a way like just seeing something else that wasn't necessarily high-mute inspector house to build relationships.

Speaker 3:

How much more fun is it if you can integrate your passions and things you're interested in with getting more business? Like I like to play pickable and I like to drink wine. So therefore, if I do a couple posts about wine every now and then and I happen to be friends with some of these realtors that I'm chasing those that are also into wine will be attracted to that and will message me back and we can start the conversation that way. Same thing with like anything that you're into. Like I have a 70-year-old agent who's super into gardening and I have an older loan officer who's into gardening. They talk about that and then they happen to do deals together because they're always hanging out the same type of like community events that are sent around their passions.

Speaker 1:

Well, when people want to do business with people that they like right, and obviously you've got to do a good job, but honestly, there's a lot of people that have high quality right, A lot of people how do you stand out and you build friendships and relationships with people and that connection matters, man. That's really good. And so, using social media, chasing it down, I like that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think most sales professionals use social media too much to shout and they put so much emphasis on like what can I post? Or like what can my admin post and it's useless, like no one cares about. Like your hallway posts about like a picture of a generic American family with your happy Labor Day post. Like I want to see something unique and interesting that shows me your opinion on something. If it looks like it's from a business and it's not like something that you were the only one on earth that created it, like it's kind of a useless post. Yeah, stop having your interns and your admins in other countries and virtual systems Waste their time with social media. That's pointless. Like it either needs to be local, funny, real, your opinion, something like that.

Speaker 3:

I also joke, and this is like people don't always take this the right way, but it's okay to be lightly controversial on social. What I mean by controversial light is like maybe don't do politics right. Like maybe you don't talk about guns, religion, presidential election, but you can be controversial on non-offensive topics. It's like, yeah, I'm gonna, I will. I will tell you there is a right answer to this question. But what's better, crunchy or smooth peanut butter Smooth? You're wrong. I mean they're like everyone out there was me knows you're wrong. Everyone knows crunchy the best. Like that's a topic that like it's friggin divisive. Like we're both cool guys and I think we have a lot in common, but like you're clearly wrong about that topic and If you post something on social that's lightly controversial, like that, you'll get a ton of engagement, especially with like Crunchier smooth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah like getting it. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Well, like, just talk about it. Like I, anything that's even Remotely lately like best, like what is the best burger in town? Like people start like providing their opinion. It lets you then message every person. I'll give an easy one for any any inspectors listening right now post, go on social media, on Facebook or Instagram, maybe even LinkedIn, and just post who's the best realtor you know in XYZ city and like all your friends will like comment realtors and then any realtor that gets mentioned, like tell them to tag him below any realtor that gets mentioned that you don't already work with. Just message your friend. We like dude, could you connect me with him via phone or email? That's it. It's brilliant.

Speaker 3:

I've done this like four times and I've always picked up a new meeting off of it. But you could do that with anything. Like if you're a realtor, come up with like hey, like Um, who who is the best divorce attorney you know? Now, obviously people might think you're any divorced, which could kind of be awkward, but like post that. Get a list of five doors turning, set up meetings with all of them. Like who has business right now? Divorce attorneys, their clients have to move. Like yep.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know who those job titles are that you need to prospect and just ask Facebook. People love connecting you to friends.

Speaker 1:

That is, that is so true. Who's the best? Whatever that, you know, that's a great, that's a great one. Yeah, I love that, I'm gonna. I'm gonna do that today.

Speaker 3:

I promise you'll get something out of it. Yeah, that is maybe like do it if you do it today, I will say like, do it way, be like once today on Facebook, do it the next day on another social site, some version of that.

Speaker 1:

Got it, got it Okay. So don't do it all on the same day in all platforms.

Speaker 3:

No, because you kind of like you know other Realtors, might kind of see what you're doing, know what you're doing. But I think most consumers will think you really just want a realtor and it doesn't really matter why you need them. You're doing it for meetings, to help them, to offer value, to give value, to get value back. But to a consumer, like they're also technically helping that realtor by connecting them with the best inspector out there, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So if so, I've heard you talking about you like you from the mortgage perspective for helping realtors get more business From the inspector side. If we had a way to help realtors get more business, that creates a much more symbiotic Relationship, because right now we kind of rely on realtors to send us business. But how do we help realtors get more business? Like, yeah, if we could complete that circle. I think a lot of inspectors don't think in terms of how do we help them get more business. What are some ideas that we could do, like as inspectors, to help realtors get more business?

Speaker 3:

Well, number one is like really, you know, one thing we've been doing for the last decade is posting lots and lots of realtor, realtor and housing market positive content online and then talking about the fact that we're doing this when we're meeting with them. And what I mean by that is, if we can, if we can, generate more home buyer and home seller activity in our market by by pushing our positive influence out there. People we know that then creates more opportunities for those real estate agents also. The other piece would be you know, through your website, if you're, if you're, an inspector, and especially the larger your company is, you can. You can have different. You can have great SEO on your website that centers around like moving to XYZ city, moving to Albuquerque, and when you get leads, you can share those with your realtors. No, like you don't need to buy leads with them off, like Zillow or anything like that, but you can generate your own leads and then give them to your lenders. Give them to your realtors as a way. So, okay, maybe three leads last year, I need, I need ten back. There's different ways to do that.

Speaker 3:

I think internet marketing can be an awesome option. Actually, if you're a really well established inspection company that has some great revenue coming in you. You might have a lot more money to invest in that type of marketing then the, then the realtor. You know other things. I've seen you. I've seen realtors pair with inspectors to do like really great educational YouTube videos for their clients and home buyers. Yeah, that can be an awesome way to add value, like if you have a video camera or an iPhone or an extra person even call your realtors and it's like hey, a lot of homeowners, especially after they move in, have home repair questions happy to do some videos about, like how to change your furnace filter or you know how to, you know, winterize your pipes. If you're up north, like there's so many different things that inspectors have knowledge in that clients don't that you can, in essence, help the realtor get that knowledge and get it to their people.

Speaker 1:

That could be another really good one. Oh, that's a great idea. I like that too. Yeah, so how'd you get into this, even as a 12 years? How'd you get started?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I, because of the recession, obviously just so. I was in college and grad school during the recession and when I graduated undergrad from a great school, there were like two out of 200 people in my graduating class for my bachelor's degree who had a job lined up after college. So that was kind of scary. So I went immediately into grad school because I had nothing else to do, and studied internet marketing, right as it was kind of coming out as like a academic discipline, and literally halfway through grad school started applying for jobs because I needed money to pay for grad school and the only company hiring was a mortgage company and I it was like literally no money, like very, very little money, and my mom was like why would you go work for a mortgage company? That industry just catapulted the world economy into the, into the toilet. And I'm like, oh well, I have no other option, so I'm going to do it.

Speaker 3:

And my second day there they said, hey, we're going to put you on a stage in front of 10 realtors, can you teach them how to do marketing? And I'm like, 22 at this point, I've never bought a house. I have no idea what I'm doing. I just start talking about Facebook and I start talking about social media marketing and website marketing and search engine optimization, and a couple of those realtors sent us business because they liked us and maybe I was, maybe I was cuter when I was 22. I don't know, right, yeah, I wore baggier clothes, maybe not. And from there it was like, hey, let's work on our website, let's generate leads, like, let's, let's hire more loan officers that are the same vibe as us. And now, 12 years later, we're from a much bigger company doing you know, 600 to 800 million year in loan volume, depending on the year, and a lot of fun. Like we're a huge presence in our community and I've never, never, looked back. Plus, there's always like a great happy hour in real estate industry.

Speaker 1:

So that's, oh my gosh, every day, every day. If you want to go happy hours, there's one every day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I try to only do like two a week at this point, but we're doing more sports ones. So like tomorrow I have a real estate pickle ball tournament, so like I'm pumped about that. It's like I don't have to drink and they get to be healthy, so it's like cancels out one of the happy hours.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, yeah, I think that that's how that works. That's math, that's science. Right there, plus one happy hour, but then the pickle ball is a minus one happy hour. Yeah, right, yeah, so then, yeah, then at the end of the week you're like all right, I'm still doing good. Yeah, yeah, that's true, I think it's funny. Like the real estate market yeah, they are all about having little parties, man, they are very social, most realtor.

Speaker 3:

I think some of the two is when you're you know, when you're a real estate agent, part of your job is networking with other real estate agents and so many, so many people in our industry have a pie as small mentality, like inspectors, don't want to be friends with other inspectors because they're oh they're my competition, or realtors don't want to be friends with other realtors but really, like for a realtor, they have to be friends and well liked by all of their competitors, because there's two agents in every deal and one of them has to accept your offer and when the market's hot and all the offers are about the same, they're accepting yours because they like you more oftentimes or they know you're a communicator.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they know the deal is going to go smoother with you than then with other people Like and they're like okay, so it's the same amount of money on the table for everybody. This but this deal is gonna.

Speaker 1:

This deal is going to go much easier because we have enough rapport built that like we can make it happen much, yeah, whereas somebody else is more combative or somebody else is a little bit more, just like there's different types of personalities out there, but if the money is the same, it's like well, we know. Yeah, you're right, you need that networking, you need that relationship.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I think even for inspectors like to at least have a relationship on a positive level with the other inspectors in your industry. Like no one in your, in your area, no one else is doing this, and when you do this, no one else is doing this and when you do this, there's so many opportunities. There could be hiring opportunities, there could be sharing of best tactics. I mean, we have inspectors and art in our market who share they literally share clients back and forth. They're like hey, just like kind of a weird experience with this realtor. They're probably gonna be looking for a new inspector. Does anyone want to go after him? Like there's some really interesting things you can do, trading relationships back and forth, or during the application, like hey, you wanna cover for me? Like there's a lot of options there. So I just don't think people should be afraid of their competitors.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I 100% agree. I'm friends with all my competitors in town, Everyone that is open to going out and hanging out and being friends. And so we just had one of those situations where they hired one of the different inspection company in town and they're a bad mouthing that company to us. They called up and like, well, these guys, they screwed up this whole deal and on and on, and I was like, okay, so they wanted to hire. They're like we're gonna hire you guys to come and just reinspect the house, you know, and which is also really a messy situation. But so we're like, oh yeah, no problem, Like we can get that done. So we get it on the calendar, hang up.

Speaker 1:

Next phone call is to the inspector. They were bad mouthing and I'm like, hey man, this guy called what do you think what's going on here. Like they called us and because we have enough rapport, it's not like a stress filled phone call. Right, the phone call is like, oh yeah, there's this weird situation. The buyer is really sensitive about these subjects and I didn't know that and I kind of stepped on these landmines verbally, you know, and I kind of blew it on this one, you know, and it's like, oh, okay, so if we're going out there, how would you recommend we approach this situation? So they gave us a lot of great advice. We went out there and knocked it out of the park form, you know and then later on, you know, and we were able to say, oh no, those guys, you know, we just said nothing but good things about the other inspection company and you know, and at the end of it all it's like, you know, we're helping clients, people are getting help better. But, you know, by having a relationship with these other inspection companies in town, it works, you know, it helps. I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in fact, my number one competitor in town I'm the biggest one in New Mexico actually, but my number two in New Mexico. I actually flew the owner out to the last IEB event because I was like, hey, you need to be part of this group. And she's like, I'm not sure, like our marketing or whatever budget is kind of like tight because of X, Y and Z and we're doing these other things and I was like, well, what if I paid for it? She was like, well, if you're going to pay for it, I'll go. I was like, all right, let's go. So I actually paid for her to go out to this IEB thing and I'm investing in her and investing in her growth and in her. You know abilities, you know, so hopefully it helps her business run better and smoother and gets bigger.

Speaker 3:

But by doing that yeah, like nothing negative can happen when you do the right thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, nothing negative can happen, right. So like I just was like, hey, here you go, and when we got there we hung out for a little bit, but she actually made her own friends, her own relationships and she was able to, you know, build some great relationships, get some good contacts together and make some good networking in the industry. And at the end it's like you know what I feel good, I feel like I helped her out, you know. And then you know we also built our relationship to where, you know, now we know that I'm not like we're not at each other, like you know, there's enough business for everybody.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's that mentality shift, you know if it's like yeah, and so and we talk about that in IEB a lot is having the right mentality of understand there's enough work for everybody out there and we're all on the same team, and so let's, let's work together to make the industry elevated. Let's elevate the industry together, and if we're doing that together, then everybody wins everybody.

Speaker 3:

And there's like a company in your industry, in every market, that's that company that's elevating the industry, right, there will be the mortgage company in your market, the inspection agency in your market, the title company in your market. Be that person, right Like I mean it's never the person doing the most business, right? Like in our area there's a credit union who, just because they have like 4% checking on, 4% interest on their checking accounts, like they get more mortgage business than we do, but we're number two with a 30th of the amount of employees we have. No, you know, we're not invested in publicly or anything, so we can do some really fun stuff and we've been doing the right things for 10 years. Be that inspection agency or real estate agency in your market, there's usually only one per market.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. And now you become a leader in your market and you don't have to be the biggest to do it. You really don't.

Speaker 3:

It's a better place to be Less of a target on your back, less regulation, but it's fun Like you can create your own. You know how you want to spend your time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I love that. Yeah, I mean, I started doing that before I was the biggest right and so I was probably the fourth biggest one and I started helping it raise and elevate and it helps. And so you're doing the same thing. You're helping elevate the industry in your market and I think that, whether you're an HVAC technician or HVAC company or electrician or any trade you're in, any job that you have, any business you have, you know, if you become the person that's helping elevate the industry around you, it'll help you ultimately too.

Speaker 3:

I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's good. Well, matt, this has been a really informative conversation. I really enjoyed it. I've got a few nuggets. I got something I'm taking away, so if nobody else gets anything, I got a lot out of this today. I really appreciate you taking the time to be here. No problem, it was a ton of fun. Thanks for hanging out with me today, and if someone wants to get in touch with you, you know, moving forward, what's the best way for someone to get connected with you? Hm, did we get you back? What happened there? We go. I got you back now. Ok, good, cool. Yeah, that was really weird.

Speaker 3:

It just froze. But I think we kind of did the ending a little bit of the ending.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so here we go. We're going to do a quick chop in the middle, so all right. So, matt, it's been great to have you on the show today. If somebody wants to get a hold of you and ask you more questions, they want more curious. Do you have? What's the best way people to get a hold of you?

Speaker 3:

So my number one thing I absolutely love hearing from people who heard me on a podcast or an event and want to talk Like I'm here to build connections. So hit me up on Instagram. It's at MattMuscat88. You can also check out Treadstone Mortgage on Instagram or Facebook to see kind of how we do things, social media and otherwise. You'll get some ideas on how to be that company to elevate the industry. But overall, reach out, send me a message with who you are, what you do, where you're from, and we will have a conversation.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome man. Thank you so much for being on the show today.

Speaker 3:

Thanks, matt, have a good one yeah.

Speaker 2:

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